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This has been the longest three hours of Emaline's life.

Harry's constant questions, that Emaline, not once had an answer to; was really starting to get annoying. Emaline had to pinch herself to refrain from getting angry.

"Like I told you. I don't fucking know if he worked alone," Emaline just about had enough.

Harry shot Emaline a look of hatred through the rearview mirror, "Watch your mouth. Do not test me."

There was a thick tension flowing through the car. Emaline knew that intimidation was a big part of their jobs, but she couldn't imagine how uncomfortable the rest of the passengers must be. At least they usually are in a basement somewhere; where they are able to roam freely and aren't practically sardined next to the hostage.

When Zayn got merged onto an exit to enter the city, Emaline released a deep sigh of relief.

"Mate, light me a smoke, would you?" Zayn briefly looked to Harry.

Emaline silently thanked Zayn for getting Harry to shut up for a few seconds.

"Emaline. Even though you haven't been any help whatsoever," Harry began, quickly flicking his eyes to Jo, "I'm having Jo take you to your apartment today—"

"I can go home? What? For real?" Emaline jumped in.

"No. Not a chance. You're with us until we find Luca, sorry to burst your bubble, princess," Harry gave Emaline a reality check.

Emaline looked to Jo and back to Harry, "Then why the fuck are you teasing me by taking me to my apartment?"

"Watch. Your. Mouth," Harry warned again, taking a second to collect himself, "Jo is going to help you collect some belongings. Since you're going to be with us for quite a while."

Emaline flashed a sarcastic smile, "How kind of you."

After that car ride, Emaline was losing her patience. She had gone back and fourth between being obedient and submissive to sassy and bold too many times to count within the past couple of days. She was emotionally exhausted, which made her feel more inclined to be obedient. But she was also raised by famous criminals who happened to be quite the pair of smart asses.

Harry had to grit his teeth. He was trying to establish some sort of trust with Emaline. As much as he despised the girl for being Luca's offspring, he knew she wouldn't tell him anything until she trusted the group; even if it was just a little bit.

The group finally arrived at the same run down gas station that Emaline was taken at originally.

This time though, they parked in the back, which just so happened to be hiding an entrance to an underground parking garage.

Once the car had circled a few floors, Emaline was ushered out of the car by Liam.

"Aren't I going back to my apartment? Why am I getting out of the car, just to get back in?" Emaline curiously asked Liam.

Liam just blankly looked forward, taking careful steps as he held on to Emaline.

"We're taking a different car," Jo answered for her.

Emaline just nodded, being led like a dog on a leash to her next destination.

"Jo, if you need me... Just don't need me. I have important business today," Harry pointed finger gun at her.

Emaline watched as the large group of men walked towards the underground entrance. She pondered to herself what must be so important to Harry that he was willing to let her out of his sight and control for the day.

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