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"I swear! This is my childhood apartment, learned how to use the toilet in there and everything!" Niall shouted at the man at the front desk.

The man stared blankly at Niall and Jo, "You can't go in if you don't know the resident."

"Fuck the resident! I just wanna show my girlfriend where I grew up!" Jo's eyes went wide at Niall's claim as he slammed his fist roughly against the desk.

The man inhaled sharply through his nose, "I'm calling security."

"No no no," Jo said with desperation, raising her arms in surrender, "It's okay, I've got him, thanks."

Jo links her arm around Niall's, pulling him back outside to the van with the others.

"Have you guys found out who lives there yet? Niall is about to get us thrown out," Jo drops his arm with a disgusted look.

Zayn stays focused on his laptop, "I'm working on it."

"Mates, I don't think we're getting into this one," Louis mumbles, blowing out a large cloud of smoke.

"Why's this one so important anyway? Didn't Emaline say she only lived there a month?" Niall plopped down next to Zayn.

Zayn finally looked up, "Less than a month. Her and I were fairly close while she lived here."

"Yeah, plus, if this one is soo important, why the fuck isn't she here? Why isn't Harry here?!" Louis exclaimed dramatically.

Harry had assured the group that this particular stop was important. They'd for sure without a doubt find something here. A clue. A trace to find Luca. Something. Anything.

Though, Zayn saw through this lie of Harry's. He knew there was nothing important about Emaline's time in Maine. And he also knew that Harry knew that. He just couldn't find out his angle.

Zayn shut his laptop, lifting his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose between his pointer finger and thumb. He released a great sigh of stress, pondering on what Harry could possibly be hiding from them.

"What?" Jo noticed Zayn's shift.

Zayn hesitated with uneven breaths, "What if he has an angle?"

Liam turned his head from the van window, "Like what?"

"Remember how we told him to get close to her? Make her trust him?" Zayn suggested.

Niall shook his head in disbelief, "No way. He's already being so fucking nice to her—"

"I wouldn't call it nice. He's just not being a total dickhead," Jo interrupts.

Niall rolls his eyes and shakes his head again, "Same thing."

They all had to admit; Harry was putting in an effort to be kinder. He was still a bossy asshole, but he was better. But none of them could figure out why Harry would want a day alone with Emaline, if not to find more information on Luca.


Harry wasn't a natural born leader. In fact, he was quite shy as a child. His life and circumstances have molded him into who he is now.

More specifically, his uncle molded him.

Harry is charming, confident, strong and controlling. He was everything most people aspired to be at one point or another.

He practically had magic oozing from his fingertips. Everything he touched turned to gold.

When him and Emaline entered the vintage/antique store, Emaline felt all of the air being sucked out from the room.

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