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"Rise and shine, sweetheart!" a new voice boomed loudly, causing Emaline's ears to ring.

The morning after a long cry is always either blissful and it's the best rest you have ever had. Or it feels like the worst hangover you could imagine.

Emaline felt the latter.

Her eyes felt glued shut with the goop from crying the night before.

When Emaline opened her eyes and rubbed at them a good bit, she watched three people quietly shuffle around the room.

One of the three being Jo — she walks over to Emaline with a fresh pair of clothes.

Wordlessly, Jo begins to unlock the restrains holding Emaline captive to the bed. At the same time Zayn cuffs her hands together and makes his way to her feet to chain them together in different shackles.

"Can I shower please? Or at least brush my teeth?" Emaline hopes for a smidge of humanity to shine through the two humans manhandling her.

"Yeah, she fucking reeks," The new Irish sounding voice and third person in the room comments, "She kind of smells like those scented trash bags when they have trash in them. Like they have a hint of a good smell, but combined with the trash it makes it smell worse, yanno?"

Emaline lets out a pity laugh. She knew the sweat seeping through her clothes from the mental torture couldn't have mixed well with the perfume she put on yesterday.

Jo rolls her eyes, "Yes, Niall, she is going to shower and brush her teeth, don't be a dick."

Niall. Emaline was having a hard time meeting so many new people all at once. Little did she know this was just the beginning.

Zayn and Jo hold on to Emaline as she stands up. She stretches to the best of her ability, as much as the restraints allow her.

Emaline lets out a sigh of relief.

Jo and Zayn lead her out of the room, immediately entering a grey hallway with multiple doors on either side.

They enter the last door on the left, leading to an exceptionally clean bathroom. Zayn locks the door from the outside, Emaline watches Zayn fidget with the key. He places a red karabiner that holds a key ring on his belt. Emaline couldn't imagine how he kept track of so many keys, there must have been at least 20 on the ring.

Emaline stands at the sink, awaiting Zayn to release her from the handcuffs so she can brush her teeth and shower.

"Are you going to let me brush my teeth?" Emaline tests the water with a small tone in her voice.

Emaline hears a hum that resembles a laugh come from one of the multiple stalls across the room.

Harry Styles himself exists the stall, shaking his head at Emaline's request.

Harry washes his hands next to Emaline, "In your dreams, Emaline. You won't be brushing your own teeth."

Emaline makes eyes at Jo, silently pleading her to stand up for her or say something.

"What are you gonna brush my teeth like a toddler or something?" Emaline half jokes out of anger.

Harry smiles and shrugs. He stands in the corner, whispering something to Zayn.

Zayn unlocks and re-locks the door as he leaves the bathroom. Leaving Emaline alone with Jo and Harry.

"Harry—" Jo begins, but quickly gets cut off by Harry holding up his hand to stop talking.

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