Golden Hour

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In the golden lighting of the kitchen, she could just make out his angelic features; his honey kisses eyes, his angular jawline, the fluttery strands of hair. She was utterly captivated by him. He took a step forward, causing her to make contact with the cold kitchen counter. He looked at her with his eyes. Those eyes. The eyes that were only ever focused on her. The eyes only meant to be truly appreciated by her.

She could barely breathe. His lips were just inches away, soft and lonely. She watched as the faintest hint of a smirk danced across his face. She yearned to reach out and run her hand through his hair; to feel his skin on hers. Yet, she remained frozen in her position, pressed against the counter.

He caressed her cheek, right on the cut. She winced at the contact, causing him to immediately remove his hand.

"It's not too bad," he whispered in a breathy tone, "You've had worse...." This time, he let himself smile at her, causing her to once again admire his features. He knew exactly what he did to her. And with that, the boy stood straight again and walked away, leaving her alone in the kitchen.

Fluff Oneshots cuz I'm lonelyWhere stories live. Discover now