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It had been a while since you had taken a break from your research project. You called it getting into "the zone", but he called it "obsession". Either way, you had had only one class that morning, so you took the opportunity to work on assignments from your other courses.

You didn't expect him to come back from practices this early, seeing as his practice usually ended at 10:00. You heard the door open at around 7:00 pm, hearing his familiar footsteps walking through the kitchen.

"Hey I'm back!" He called out to you from the kitchen.

"K!" You yelled back at him. You heard him open up the fridge, no doubt looking for something to eat. He had obviously found something to satisfy his hunger because he closed the fridge and began walking down the hall towards your room.

A knock on your doorframe forced you to look up from your laptop.

"Hey." He smiled and looked down at you while leaning against the doorframe. Gosh, he looked so attractive leaning against the doorframe. His light, wavy hair framed his face perfectly. The light from your desk lamp reflected slightly on his glasses, causing his electric blue eyes to shine. His sharp jaw was complemented by his angular nose, making him look like some Greek god. There was something about his expression that made the view so much better too. It was a mix of pure happiness and sarcasm, accompanied by a hint of exhaustion.

"Hi." You gave him a soft smile. "How was your day?" You asked, turning your office chair to face him.

"Oh, you know, just like every other one." He chuckled as he walked across the room, taking off his pullover as he walked towards the closet. You watched him walk to the closet, silently praying he was gonna change shirts. You leaned back in your chair slightly to see through the doorway of the closet, watching him as he removed his shirt, showcasing his abs to the wall of the closet.

You whistled at the sight, an inside joke you two had.

He snorted while walking out of the closet. "Perv." He said, while walking closer.

"I'd trade my finest work horse for you." You said. That got a laugh out of him.

"Well I would do the same for you." He responded while plugging his phone into his charger.

"Please. I'm worth at least 3 horses." You said before turning your chair back towards your computer screen. You could hear him lay down on his bed, probably enjoying his free time on his phone like you should've been. You began typing on the keyboard again, only to be interrupted by your boyfriend.

"Hey babe? How long have you been working?" He asked you. He always asked you this when you were working on assignments. He never liked it when you worked for too many consecutive hours.

"Not too long. An hour, maybe an hour and a half." You tried giving him a reassuring smile, but to be honest, you were starting to feel a bit tired. You heard him place his phone on the nightstand before groaning and standing up from the bed.

"Ya knowwww, I think you should take a break." He told you, walking slowly over to you. You didn't look back at him and kept typing on your laptop. You barely noticed it when he walked right behind your chair, gently massaging his hands on your shoulders. You didn't mean to, but you let out a moan of pleasure. You always loved it when he massaged you.

"Ooooo someone likes this." He said, and you could practically hear his smirk in his voice. Even though the urge to stop working was so strong, you forced yourself to keep typing. You had made a commitment to yourself to get a certain amount done each day and you were so close to being done.

He had given up on massaging you, obviously planning another form of attack on your focus. You didn't care. You had to remain focused on your work. You were so focused that you barely noticed him crouching next to your chair so that he was at your eye level.

"Please? For me?" He begged in a voice that made you want to stop everything in that moment and melt into him.

"I-I can't. I'm almost finished. Just a little more." You said, not daring to take your eyes off the computer screen, knowing that if you looked at him, you were bound to stop.

"Fine." He sighed. Finally, you thought. Maybe he'll stop torturing me like this. Suddenly, you felt a pair of soft lips graze directly below your ear, causing you to audibly gasp. You could hear him chuckle, knowing he broke your concentration.

He started to move down your neck, wrapping a hand through your hair as he went. You released a sigh of pleasure as your head fell back into your chair.

"That's it baby. Just relax." You heard him say in a sultry voice. You closed your eyes, trying to soak in as much of the feeling as possible. While kissing you, he reached one of his arms out and silently closed your laptop, but you could have cared less.

He rose from his stance on the floor, abruptly ending the kiss.

"Dang, you look really worked up; you should proooobably take a break." You looked up at him with an expression you hoped looked annoyed, but it probably looked more out of breath than anything.

"Shut up." You said, hoping the rising blush wouldn't be too obvious. He held out both his hands, offering you help up. You gladly took both his hands as he hoisted you up towards him, immediately wrapping a hand around your waist. He ran his other hand up your back to your neck, gently caressing the back of your neck.

He pulled you into a deep yet tender kiss, slowly walking you over to the bed. You could feel every contour of his strong arms; the way they held you steady even as you practically liquified in his arms. You ran your fingers through his lovely dark blonde hair. He suddenly broke the kiss, slowly using his able arms to lower you onto your mattress, keeping his hand behind your neck to support it as you lay down.

"God, your so fucking beautiful." He looked at you with adoring eyes before devouring you into another fierce kiss. You felt his hand run up and down your side, his other supporting him above the bed. You prayed for everything you had to never let this stop. You wanted to bottle this feeling and drink it every single day. You both stopped shortly to catch your breath, barely pulling away.

"I love you so, so, so much," He whispered to you with his eyes closed. He was so close he was practically muttering into your mouth. "So much."

Fluff Oneshots cuz I'm lonelyWhere stories live. Discover now