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It really was the perfect dress. There was just one teeny downfall... there was no way you could reach the zipper on your own.

You and your friend group were going to a fancy restaurant to celebrate your best friend's birthday, and this restaurant was fancy. Like complimentary Dom Pérignon while you wait. So of course, you had to wear your best dress which just so happened to be the most difficult to zip up.

Your boyfriend also happened to be going, which was both a blessing and a curse. The positive was that you would get to see him in a suit and he always looked super handsome in it. But, the single negative was that you would have no time to appreciate it while you were out, seeing as you were going to be surrounded by your friends.

You huffed in exasperation as you struggled to reach the zipper, almost falling in the process. You were going to be late if you didn't leave soon.

You were startled at the sudden sound of knocking on your door frame. You looked over to see your super attractive boyfriend standing in the doorway in his seemingly perfect suit. He truly looked like an angel sent down from the highest clouds of heaven; though the image was tainted by the devilish grin he had plastered on his face.

"Need some help?" He smiled, walking over to you. You turned towards your mirror letting your hands fall loosely to your sides. He strode over to, looming over your reflection in the mirror.

You felt his cool hands wrap around your bare waist causing a slight gasp to escape your lips. He gently dragged his hands up to your shoulder and back down your spine.

"You know you're supposed to zip up the dress?" You stared at his reflection.

"You're so damn tense all the time. You need to relax a bit." He whispered, ignoring your question. He continued to caress your back and shoulders. At this rate, you were never going to make it to dinner; though, with the way you were feeling you weren't sure you cared.

His massive hands kneaded the knots in your back; the feeling of his touch sending shock waves to your brain. You leaned your head back to rest on his shoulder, revealing your neck to him. He took advantage of this, delicately placing kisses up towards your jaw. You melted into his chest, his arms now fully supporting your body. You could stay like this for days.

"Come on." He whispered in your ear. You felt your dress tighten as he pulled the zipper up. "We have to get to dinner."

Fluff Oneshots cuz I'm lonelyWhere stories live. Discover now