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Had you gone swimming? Yes. Had you reapplied sunscreen a bazillion times? Yes. And had you still managed to get burnt? Of course you did. It never ceases to amaze you how you always got burnt when you stepped into the sun.

Either way, when you arrived back at your place, your back and shoulders were covered in a painful, red burn. God, you thought. My tan line is gonna be atrocious. You decided not to dwell on the thought, focusing on the pain of peeling your bathing suit off of your tender skin.

You stepped into your shower, letting the cold water smooth over your delicate skin. Stepping out of the shower, you dried yourself with a soft towel, careful to avoid your shoulders and back.

You heard him humming before you actually saw him. You knew your boyfriend was coming over later, but you didn't think he was going to be there when you came out of your bathroom. He was humming as he searched for something in the fridge.

You leaned over the kitchen counter, enjoying the sight of him being oblivious to your presence. You smiled silently before deciding to speak up.

"Hi." You chuckled as he whipped around to face you, surprised that you had been behind him.

"Hey Princess," He leaned over towards you to kiss your forehead. "Uh... How long were you standing there?"

"Mmmm... long enough." You answered, reaching forward for his hand. He laughed at your response.

"You just love giving vague but accurate answers, don't you?" He smiled, scooping up your hand in his. You laughed in response.

He walked around the kitchen island, giving you a soft hug from behind. It would've been a sweet gesture and you probably would have hugged him back if it weren't for your burn. You flinched at the sudden friction on your back causing him to immediately withdraw. "Are... are you okay?" He asked with a concerned look.

"I'm fine," You tried your best to muster an 'I'm Really okay' face, but it probably was more painful than anything. "I just got a really bad burn today and haven't had a chance to put some aloe on." You attempted a smile.

"Oh," He took your hand once more. "I can help with that." A mischievous grin was painted across his face. He spun you around and gently placed his hands on your waist. He walked you over towards your grabbing a couple pillows and strategically placing them on the couch. "Gimme like 3 seconds." He told you before racing off. You looked around before he poked his head out of the hallway "You can sit down on the couch." You smiled before laying carefully on your stomach.

You waited for a minute or two before your boyfriend emerged from the hall, carrying a bottle of aloe. He walked over towards you and sat down behind you. "Here, do you mind lifting your shirt?" He asked politely. You obliged without hesitation. He had seen you shirtless before so it wasn't a huge deal when you ended up removing your shirt completely.

Even though you didn't turn around you knew he was smiling slightly to himself. His fingers gently grazed the back of your neck as they moved your hair out of the way, revealing your rather crispy back. He dragged his fingers ever so slightly across the skin sending shivers down your back. "Ouch," He whispered. "This must hurt."

"Well it doesn't exactly feel nice." You said with a hint of annoyance, though you both knew you were faking it.

You heard the small POP! Of the aloe vera bottle as your boyfriend opened the bottle. He placed a small glob of aloe onto one hand and began dipping his fingers in with the other.

Words couldn't describe the feeling of having cool aloe rubbed on your burnt tender skin. You surprised yourself by releasing a moan of pleasure. You couldn't tell which felt better: aloe on your sunburn or his fingers slowly massaging your shoulders and back. You could've stayed in that moment for hours the feeling of pure bliss coursing through your veins.

"I bet that feels nice, doesn't it baby?" You heard him say behind you in a voice that made you practically ascend. If he wanted to, he could use his voice to get you to do anything he wanted; and he knew it.

"Mmhmm," You groaned in response. You probably stayed there for ½ an hour; him, massaging you and whispering sweet nothings in a voice like honey, and you, trying to soak up every detail of this moment.

At some point you had started to lean back, but of course you were too busy in your own world to notice. It was only when he stopped lathering on aloe and wrapped his arms around you that you took notice, but you were too sleepy to care. You closed your eyes, relying fully on him to support you.

You were exhausted from swimming and at that moment, your sunburn didn't feel so bad. You waited until you heard his breathing slow, a sign that he had fallen asleep, before you did the same.

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