Late Night

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It wasn't usual that he had to stay late for practice, but his coach had made the team stay for extra conditioning tonight. He had guessed she would be home already, seeing as it was around 12:45 when he got back to their shared dorm.

He always felt bad when he got home late, though she insisted it was no issue.

He unlocked the door as quietly as possible; he didn't want to wake her in case she was asleep or studying. He hoped she wasn't still studying.

He entered the door and dropped all his bags down on the floor. He would have to move them in the morning, but right now, all he wanted to do was eat. He looked on the counter and noticed a little note stuck to a plastic tupperware, reading "Cooked pesto tonight! Made sure to save some for you <3." He smiled silently to himself. Of course she made sure to leave him food.

He quickly reheated the heavenly pasta and ate it straight from the container. He quickly rinsed the plastic and put it into the dishwasher. He made sure the kitchen was clean before leaving to find her; he didn't want her to have to worry about cleaning in the morning.

He wasn't that surprised to find her passed out on her bed, sprawled out on the cushiony duvet, not even bothering to get under her sheets. Though, it did surprise him a little to see her laptop still up and running. It also surprised him that she still had all of her clothes from the previous day on, including her shoes. Of course, she had probably been working on an essay or research project until late in the night and had forgotten to turn off her laptop before crashing on her bed.

He saved all her work on her laptop before shutting it down, then headed over to his closet to take his shoes off. In the process, he gently nudged her awake, causing her to rapidly blink in the dimly lit room. He could feel her tense up on her bed, not knowing who was in the room.

"Hey," he called out. "It's just me. Relax. I'm so sorry for coming home so late, mi amor." He could see her relax, dropping her head back on the mattress before stretching out. He smiled silently when he heard her groan. He moved over to the edge of the bed. "You should change into something more comfortable before going back to sleep." He whispered, now crouching at the side of the bed.

"Mmmm... but I'm so tired..." she complained, her voice trailing off as he turned her head into the cushion again.

"Please?" He whispered while he pushed a strand of hair from her face. "I promise you'll feel much more comfortable if you do." He spoke to her in such a soft tone it made her want to melt back into the mattress. She sighed in response.

"I guess." He then kissed her cheek and rose from his place at the side of the bed.

It took her a second to get up from her bed before she reached down to begin untying her shoelaces. She then removed her sweater, but before she could remove anything else she glanced over to her boyfriend. He had always been a very attractive person, but it had been a while since she'd really taken the time to appreciate his physical traits. His time swimming had left his lean body perfectly contoured. Even in the dim light, she could make out his toned abs. She noted the way his arms looked while moving to throw his dirty shirt away, the way she could see every muscle in his body moving in perfect motions. He wasn't buff, but swimming had given him muscle in all the right places.

He began unbuckling his belt and she prayed the dim light in the room would mask the blush creeping up her cheeks.

"Whatcha you doing?" He asked, knowing exactly what she was doing. Shit. She had been caught staring. She felt the blush from earlier creep up her cheeks once again.

"Nothing." She replied, continuing to change out of her clothes. He smirked as he changed into sweatpants. She took all of her clothes and tossed them into the closet, not wanting to deal with them tonight. The overwhelming sense of sleep deprivation hit her all at once in that moment. She stood there for a second after putting her clothes away, just staring at nothing. He quickly took notice of how she was spacing out, seeing as this was something she often did when she needed sleep. He wrapped his arms around her waist, cradling her in his arms. He kissed the side of her head before she leaned her head back to rest on his shoulder.

"Let's go to bed." He whispered in her ear. He led her back to her bed where she promptly fell back onto the duvet. "At least get under the sheets." He said to her in a calming voice. Her only response to him was a small moan before she burrowed under the bedding.

"Aren't you coming?" She questioned, her words slightly muffled from all her blankets.

"I'm just checking to make sure all the doors are locked, okay?" He saw her smile into her pillow. He knew she always felt safer if he checked the dorm at night.

By the time he joined her in bed, she was half asleep. She rested her head on his chest, one of her favorite ways to fall asleep. He slowly dragged his fingers up and down her spine until they both fell into a peaceful slumber.

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