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In hindsight, it wasn't even that big of a deal. It was a small argument that most couples get into, but she still felt really bad. They had both had long days at work, but tonight was his night to wash dishes. She could feel for him that he was tired, but she was equally as tired. She had already asked him to start washing them hours ago, yet he hadn't moved. This caused a fight to break out between both of them.

"I already asked you like 5 times to wash the dishes and you haven't even run the tap!" She yelled at him.

"Well sorry! But I had an extremely long day today and I would appreciate it if you could stop pestering me about doing a stupid chore for 5 minutes!" He argued back. The truth was, he had always found her very attractive when she was angry. He couldn't describe it. Something about it just became so alluring when she was pissed.

He watched her argue with him. He took note of the way her voice changed every time she spoke, ranging from pure anger to something close to forgiveness. It was angering as it was appealing to him. At that moment, he had so much anger yet so much attraction to him that he didn't think twice.

"I just don't understand why you can't take a couple minutes to tu-" She was abruptly cut off by his lips smashing into hers with such force that she stumbled. Luckily, his arm was already snaking around her waist, holding her steady from the sudden movements. It didn't take long for her to begin kissing him back, weaving her hands through his perfect curls. The kiss was fiery and intense, forcing both of them to reach for more.

She fell back onto the couch, him only an arm's distance away from her.

"You know," She said in a breathy voice. "You can't win every argument by kissing me." She started to smirk at him.

"I think you like it just as much as I do." He responded, leaning back in to continue the kiss. She gripped his hair hard, forcing his lips into hers.

Fluff Oneshots cuz I'm lonelyWhere stories live. Discover now