Lunch Break

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I'm back with more content for you hoes sry for not posting school makes me want to end it all😜

The truth was plain and simple: not a single girl wasn't in love with him. You meant it. And you couldn't blame them. He was beautiful, with tan caramel skin and healthy, curly hair. He was fluent in 2 languages, and kept his grades up. He was confident but not cocky, and he seemed to radiate happiness wherever he went. You didn't know how you managed to be in the same room as him, let alone be his friend.

One thing all the girls didn't expect was that he had very few actual friends. Everyone worshiped him, though they could never get close enough to know who he actually was. He had very few people like that; his family, his teammates, and you.

It was true; people liked you. You had a lot of friends, great grades, and you hoped no enemies. Still, it wasn't anything compared to him. That's why it surprised you so much when you guys became so close. But being close to him came with some disadvantages, such as having to watch every girl in existence throw themselves at him. Especially Julia.

Julia was a sweet girl in the same grade as you. You had both gone to the same junior high, and at one point you had been close. But of course, junior high girls are exactly that: junior high girls. Julia seemed to forget about you and the rest of your friends as soon as she discovered the concept of boys. Which of course led to the discovery of him.

You and her had also had a falling out a couple of years ago due to her jealousy. She had always been jealous of your friendship with him, but this time she blew up, saying you were an "attention seeking slut" and were "only friends with him because you're obsessed". It was a whole ordeal.

You had ignored her for most of senior high, pretending you didn't notice her very obvious advances towards him. He was used to it though, and usually just brushed it off. Today had gone slightly differently though.

You were sitting in the courtyard for lunch with him, covered by the shade of a young oak tree. Usually it would be you, him, and all of your friends. But most of your friends were taking university visits, meaning they weren't there. As luck would have it, Julia also didn't have any Uni visits planned for today either.

You were talking to him about a trigonometry course you were planning on taking the next year, taking time to eat your carefully packed lunch. You sat crunching on a small container of watermelon, enjoying the refreshing, sweet taste the fruit gave you. You were utterly exhausted from your exams today and the one thing you wanted was something to eat. You glanced over to see what he had packed for his lunch.

His mom had of course made heavenly tamales the night before, meaning he got to take some leftovers for lunch. He scooped his food out of a thermos, wasting no time on engulfing the food.

Today was good.

That was until Julia decided to waltz over and join the both of you.

All her bitchiness aside, she was actually very pretty. Her dark hair was delicately styled into 2 Dutch braids and her pink shirt really did bring out her eyes. You know what would make her even more beautiful? If she wasn't walking over in your direction.

As soon as she sat down next to y'all, she immediately greeted him with a very forced hug.

"Oh my gosh, I haven't seen y'all in forever!" She practically screeched at both of you. Of course, he greeted her with a polite smile, trying to take control of the situation. He always made sure to never be rude to anyone. It was both infuriating and alluring at the same time.

Julia made sure to turn around and give you a look that you couldn't quite read. Was she trying to have a smug face? Was she actually trying to greet you? Was she trying to show off that fat-ass pimple on her nose? WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU EVEN SAYING?!?!

"Hey Julia," He said in his sweet, smooth voice. "What's up?" He glanced over at you, smiling slightly. Thank god he was taking this interaction and you wouldn't have to deal with it.

Julia started talking about her day and he nodded in agreement, occasionally adding in his own words or stories. You wondered how he managed to act so interested in her story while she complained about a Biology quiz she hadn't studied for.

He picked up his thermos again to take a bite of his food before returning to Julia with a full smile. God, you could see why Julia was even pulling this little stunt with that smile.

A few minutes after the conversation had died down, he turned to look back at you. He was obviously about to ask you something before being interrupted by Julia.

"Ughhh, I forgot to pack my lunch this morning. I'm absolutely starving!!!" Julia began whining again, earning an eye roll from you and a couple of y'alls friends. She turned to look and him expectantly, obviously waiting for him to offer up his food to her.

You looked down at your own lunch. It wasn't fair for him to have to give up his lunch, right?

Please keep in mind: your next action was purely out of spite. All you wanted in that moment was to eat your food, but if you couldn't even have that, then making her leave was the next best thing.

You handed over the rest of your lunch, which consisted of a grilled chicken sandwich, strawberries, and the rest of your watermelon. Maybe, you thought. Maybe she'll leave after this. You watched her slowly take the food glancing at you, then him, before taking a couple bites. Finally, she shut up. But that was nowhere near the best reward.

When you turned your head to face him, you saw him give you the brightest, most genuine smile ever. You felt fireworks set off in your stomach. After Julia devoured your well put together lunch, she obviously sensed that she wasn't going to get anything else out of this horrible interaction. Julia made up some lame excuse about having to meet up with one of her friends.

"Soooo..." He started. "Did you give her your lunch out of the goodness out your heart or did you just happen to have some ulterior motive?" He smiled at you, putting his food away. You scoffed in response.

"Does it matter either way? I got her to go away." But at what cost? Not only had your peaceful lunch been ruined by her presence, now you were going to be hungry for the rest of the day.

But you didn't regret it one but now that she wasn't talking to him.

You sat back, leaning against your hands. You knew he had to go soon, seeing as his lunch let out earlier than yours. You were disappointed, seeing as Julia had taken up all your time with him. Oh well, you thought. At least you got to talk with him for a little while.

Out of the corner of your eye you saw him shift in the grass. You were confused, seeing as he still had a little bit of time before he had to move to his next class. You watched him take out his food again, carefully removing the top of his thermos and a plastic fork.

"Here," He handed his food over to you. "It's the least I could do to repay you for your amazing work."

"Seriously, it's fine." You pushed the food back towards him. "I'm not hungry."

"You need to eat. You practically gave up all of your lunch to make her go away." He again tried to hand you his food. "And 3 pieces of watermelon doesn't count as lunch," He reminded you. "Take it."

You couldn't argue with logic. You grabbed the container and the fork before looking back to smile at him. He grabbed his backpack before taking a couple of steps towards you before... kissing you on the cheek?

"I'll see you after school, okay?" He whispered in your ear before smiling at you.

You were still too shocked from what had just happened to form a coherent sentence, so instead what came out was a mix of 'okay' and a squeal. He only chuckled in response before running away. "I LOVE YOU!!" He yelled while sprinting towards the doors.

"HEY," You called out. "WAIT-you-wh-WHAT?!?!"

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