Study Break

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Usually, both of you had to study right after your classes, but today was different. You still had a week before your finals, whereas he had already finished all of his work for the semester. Today, you sat on your bed, reviewing your material and taking as many notes as possible and he was sitting at your desk, scrolling through god knows what social media app.

You had been studying for almost 3 ½ hours now, and you could tell it was straining him just as much as it was straining you. You had always prioritized school, which led you to be top of your classes. But, it also meant spending more time doing school work, and less time with him.

Your boyfriend sighed, looking up from his phone to look at you from across the room. "Sooooo...." he said, obviously trying to start a conversation. "How's the studying going?" He asked, looking for an excuse to talk to you.

"Fine." You said shortly. You really needed to finish this essay and you couldn't have any distractions.

"Oookay. When's the last time you had a break?"

This time, you didn't hear him, which was quite obvious seeing as you answered him with "Yep, sounds good."

He began staring at you, not in a stalker way, but almost as if he was trying to see the gears in your brain moving. He looked at you a little longer before getting up from your desk. He began walking over towards you, but you barely noticed seeing as you were in the midst of writing the conclusion of your research paper.

He was suddenly standing at the edge of your bed, and before you could protest, he moved your laptop out of the way and sat on the bed right next to you.

"Wha-what was that for?"

"Because," He answered in a voice that sent shivers down your spine. "I'm bored and you need a break."

He had placed your laptop on the other side of him, so you would have to lean over his lap to try and get it back. As you did this, he pushed the computer farther from your reach and pulled you closer to him so that you were practically sitting on his lap.

"You should take a break." He said in a voice which you found very difficult to resist.

"But I need to finish studying!" You argued.

"You've been studying for almost 4 hours without a single break! You need to relax." He tapped his finger against your chest, annunciating every word. "Just for 10 minutes. At least." He tried reasoning with you. You also noticed how for most of this conversation, he had been glancing at your lips.

"But my finals are in like a week and I just ca-" You were suddenly cut off by the feeling of his lips on yours, holding you in a deep and passionate kiss. He had found very early on in your relationship that this was a very effective way to get you to stop talking.

As soon as you started to kiss back, his lips formed into a smile.

"You like that, darling?" He asked in a voice he knew would turn you to putty in his hands.

Suddenly, you forgot how to breathe. His sculpted face was mere inches from yours, his toned body right under you. Sometimes, it is moments like these that you realize how much you want someone near, how much their touch can affect you in so many different ways. You grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him into a close kiss. Kissing him was desperate, each of you clawing at the other to feel more of the other, sloppily making out on your bed.

He ran his hands through your hair before running them up and down your waist, causing shivers to go down your spine. He began to kiss down your jawline, around your neck and near your collarbone. He was driving you to the brink of insanity.

You let out a sigh of contentment, releasing a breath you didn't realize you were holding. What was it you were stressed about? You couldn't even think straight right now, let alone remember anything but this moment of pure bliss. You could hear him let out a small chuckle near your ear.

"Feeling relaxed yet?" He asked, smiling against your neck.

"Mmhmm..." you said while closing your eyes. You could barely form words to describe how you felt in this moment with him.

"Good. I'm glad."

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