Bayley x Reader: Saved

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Sitting in the foyer and a thought pops into my head. "Did anyone else hear a scream in location 3?" I ask. "No, I didn't Sam" Matt my boss tells me. "I didn't" Woods tells me. "I could have sworn I heard a scream" I say. "You're not thinking about going back there are you" Matt says. "We barely made it out alive" woods says. "I need to go look" I say. "And what if no-ones there?" Matt says. "At least I can say I went" I say as I stand up "if someone is there then they deserve a chance" I say. "What if it is someone from Syntec" Woods questions. "then why would they be Pain. Woods" I question "I'm going I'm sorry, I'll be back later" I say as I walk out the office.

I grab one of my oversized hoodies and get into my car. Once I arrive at Location 3 I walk inside. "Hello" I yell "Is anyone here". I hear someone crying. I end up following it and seeing a girl chained to the floor by her ancles. "p-please don't hurt m-me" She wimpers. "I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm going to undo the chains okay?" I ask. "okay" she whispers. I undo the chains. "do you think you can walk?" I ask. "yeah" She tries to walk but screams in pain. "it's okay" I say as I pick her up.

Once we get outside I watch her burry her head in my chest as the light hits her face. I put her in once side of the car and quickly get round to the drives side and sit down. "here put it on" I say as I give her the hoodie I I picked up earlier. "thank you" she says quietly as she puts it on.

My phone goes off scaring the girl who is now curled up. "it's okay, it's just my boss calling me" I say as I answer it and put it on loud speaker. "hey Matt" I say. "Hey you okay" Matt says from the other end. "yeah, I'm okay" I respond. "Did you end up finding anything or anyone" Matt asks me. "yeah a girl in one of the rooms" I say "Do you mind if I have the rest of the day off?" I ask. "yeah sure" Matt says "could you send Bayley to mine she can help me" I ask. "yeah, she's in a meeting right now but after yeah" Matt says. "thank you, I'm at home now got to go" I say before I hang up

Once I'm inside with the girl in my arms I sit down on the sofa. "What's your name?" I ask. "Y/n" the girl replies. "That's a nice name, I'm Sam" I say. "hi Sam" the girl says quietly then yawn. "Come here" I say with open arms. She happliy exepts and cuddles up to me. "My boyfriend and friend will be here soon, okay" I whisper to her as she falls asleep. "okay" she mumbles then falls asleep.

I hear my boyfriend, Ryan walk in. "Hey" I half whisper. "Hey" he whispers back "who's that" He asks me. "all I know is that her name is Y/n" I say "You know location 3 where me, Matt and Woods all got trapped at". "Yeah, the place that almost got you killed" he says as he sits down next to me. "Well I found her there, chained to the floor... in pain" I explain "So I brough her back here, Bayley is coming here to help me". "okay, have ether of you had diner?" Ryan asks. "no we came here I sat on the couch and she fell asleep" I answered. "okay I'll make dinner tonight, I'll make some extra for Bayley" He said standing back up and going towards the kitchen.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Y/n's Pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I wake up to a knock on the door. "Babe, that must be Bayley, can you get it" I hear a girl say. "yeah I'll get it" I hear a guy say. "hey, sweetie" Sam says to me quietly. "hi" I say quietly. "My friend and Boyfriend are here now" She tells me. "okay" I say and look down at my clothes. "i have some clothes they might be a bit big but they'll do" she says. "Thank you" I whisper.

Once I'm changed I go back to Sam and see her talking with 2 people. "Y/n" Sam says "This is my friend Bayley and my boyfriend Ryan" she says. I wave "hi". "Hi Y/n" the girl says. "hi" the guy I'm guessing Ryan said. "are you hungry?" Sam asked me. I shake my head "no". "okay" Sam said and then looked over to Ryan. He nods. "Wanna watch a movie" Sam asks me. "Okay" I said and smiled slightly. We all ended up falling asleep.

I woke up with my head on Bayley's chest. Sam was already awake so was Ryan. I burry my head back into Bayley's chest and just layed there for a bit waiting for, I don't know just waiting.

"are either of them awake yet" Sam asks. "i don't know, should we wake them but I've got to go I've you" Ryan says. "uhh maybe, okay love you bye" Sam said as Ryan leaves. "Y/n, Bayley you need to get up" Sam says. "Why" I hear Bayley say. "Because we have work" Sam said. "i agree with Bayley i want to sleep" I mumble. "Come on guys" Sam said. "Were both awake" I say while moving my head of Bayleys chest. "thank you" Sam says as she walks back over to the kitchen "do either of you want some food?" she asks.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bayley's Pov~~~~~~~~~~~

"no I've got snacks at work, but thank you" I say. "What about you Y/n" Sam asks. "No thanks I'm not hungry" Y/n says. "You sure you didn't eat last night" Sam says looking over concerned. "I'm sure" Y/n says. I look over at Sam who's just turned around.

"I can see if I can take her to work with us if you want Sam" I ask. "If you want I don't know if she want to considering where we work, we work at a location" Sam. "I'll be okay" Y/n says. "You sure" I ask. She nods. "okay" Sam says.

We get into Sam's car. "Where's your car" Sam asks me. "Matt dropped me of so it's still at work" I explained as Y/n fell asleep. "He would never do that for me" Sam said dramatically. "Yes he would" I say. "No he wouldn't he has a soft spot for you" Sam explained. "Because I'm the youngest on the team" (No clue if that is but) Bayley said. "Yeah you are which is why you can't drink like I can" Sam bragged. "maybe but you never drink anyway" I said. "True, because I don't like it" Sam says.

"so I'm guessing that you guys do this often" Y/n says. "Yeah, Sorry if we woke you" Sam said. "it's alright" Y/n replied. "did we wake you?" I asked. "no you didn't I was half asleep and half awake so" She said. "You ready to go in" Sam asked. Y/n nodded. "Let's go then" I say.

~~couple weeks later~~

"Sam" I say walking into Sam's room. "what's up sweetie" Sam says. "sooo I like someone" I say. "Who?" she asks. "Well you know her" I say. "her?" she says. I nod. "So who is it?" she asks. "Bayley" I say quickly. "Wait Bayley" she says. I nod. "no way, she likes you too" she says exitedly. "wait really" I ask. "yeah really" she says "she's in her room if you want to talk to herrrrrrr" she says putting her book down.

"hey Bayley" I say Knocking on her door. "Y/N" she yells and hugs me "How are you" she asks. "I'm really good however, there is something I would like to tell you" I say. "really i was going to say the same thing" She says with a smile "you go first" she says as she leads me to the sofa. "uhhh how do i say this... I um I like you... more than a friend" I say. "i was gonna say the same thing" Bayley says with a smile.

"Wait really" i ask. "yeah" she says "Y/n will you be my girlfriend" She asks. "Yes, of course" I say. Bayley looks at my lips and back up to my eyes. i kiss her. "i love you" i say. "I love you too" Bayley says. We hear cheering outside the room. "HOLD UP WAIT WHO ELSE IS HERE" I yell. Matt, Woods, Sam and Ryan walk into the room. "What the hell" me and Bayley say in sink. "Well I kinda knew you both liked each other" Sam said. "Does not explain why the rest of them are here... well apart from Ryan" Bayley says.

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