Ben X Reader: Reunited ***

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TW: Self-Harm and Talk of Rape 

"Woods why am I here" I ask. "because Ben" Woods tells me as he leads me into the studio. "WERE HERE" Woods yells. "alright come up to the HQ with me then" Matt says walking up the stairs. "Why, is no-one gonna tell me what's going on" I ask. "No" Woods and Matt both tell me as we all walk upstairs.

"Okay so you wait out here" Matt tells me "Woods you too". He then goes into the room.

~~Sam's Pov~~

"You ready for the surprise" I asked. "I want to know what it is" Y/n . "You will find out soon" I tell her. "Why can't you tell me now" she asks me, "Because that will ruin the surprise" I tell her. "But I... I want to know now" she wines. "You'll find out soon" I tell her. "But why" she asks. "because" I begin to say but then Matt walks in. "because surprises are best kept secret" Matt says. "correct" I say.

She rolls her eyes. "Woods you can bring him in now" Matt yells slightly. Then Woods walks in with Ben

~~Y/n's Pov~~

"Woods you can bring him in now" Matt yells. As he yells that Woods walks in with someone... "Ben?" I say with a smile. I know It's him even with the mask. "Y/n/n" Ben says as he runs up to me and gives me a hug "I missed you" he says. "i missed you too" I say while hugging him.

When we break apart "what happened" he asked me "i was waiting for you at home and you never did" he tilted his head to the side. "Gary" I half whispered. "Sweetie" He said to me as he moved the hair out of my face. i smiled out at the nickname remembering when he used to call me it. I looked at his eyes though the mask he was wearing. They were a mixture of Blue and Red. They were mesmerizing.

~~Ben's Pov~~

"Where did you guys find her" I ask looking back up at the crew. "Location 3... chained to the wall" Matt told me. "Location 3 was not meant to be entered by anyone" I explain "Especially not her" I say looking back down at Y/n who was looking up at me. "She was almost unconscious she wouldn't say anything but your Name... we don't know why or how, and we still haven't found out" Sam explains. "Can you explain?" Woods asks.

"Y/n is... she is my girlfriend" I say smiling at her. She nods. "We worked at Syntec together, however Gary didn't approve of our relationship" I explain. "i am the daughter of boss and he wanted to date me" Y/n says causing me to laugh slightly. "Wes was always a good one" i say.

"Hold up Your Wesley's Daughter" Matt asks her. "Wes and Deb, my mother and father" Y/n says and looks up at me "They were not verry happy with the age gap but, he saved me..." Y/n said and smiled at me.

Flashback to 2002 from the Pov of Y/n, at Syntec location #1 (Spellbound)

"Why me" I say "Why fucking me, out of everyone in this damn company why is it me he choses" I say and hit my head against the wall of my office. I spot a knife in the corner of my eye from my blazer Pocket which is hanging up. I reach up and grab it. I twist the knife around in my hands. Then I cut lines into my skin one by one.




I keep on going. I don't know how many I cut. I see the blood dripping from my arm as my door opens. "Y/n" I hear the voice that I recognise "Y/n what did you do" I hear that voice again. I see Ben kneel in front of me. "i-I-I-I'm sorry" I say between cries. "hey, hey" he says as he slowly takes the knife from me "it's okay, your safe" he says as he lightly grabs my wrist and reaches up to my desk and grabs a tissue. He slowly wipes some of the blood of my arm. "come on let's get you to the bathroom so I can clean your arm" he says as he picks me up and brings me to my Bathroom which is connected to my office. He set's me down on the counter as he reaches and grabs the flannel I have in there. He gets it wet and slowly cleans the cuts. I let my head fall onto his shoulder "fuck" I whisper. "It's gonna hurt, sweetie" he says "but I'm almost done" he says as he dabs one of the deeper cuts causing me to wince. "I'm sorry sweetie" he says. He then put's the flannel down and grabs the first aid box from my cupboard. He grabs the bandage and starts to wrap my arm where I cut. "I'm so sorry" I say as more tears fall down my face. He finish's wrapping my cuts then looks back up at me. "it's okay" he says as he wipes my tears. "here" he says as he hands me a hoodie. "but this is yours, people are gonna~" I start but he cuts me off. "I don't care, I would rather people know or think were dating then give you looks because of this" he says. "please don't tell my parents" I say. "sweetie they were already know, Wes saw on the cams" he said causing me to cry "He's on his way over he just wanted to get Deb first so he sent me over" he explains "I know. I know" he says and strokes my back. Just then my dad, Wesley, comes into my office with my mum, Deborah. "Y/n" my dad says as he walks into the bathroom. I look down. "Y/n sweetie, are you okay" My mum asks. I shake my head. "why" Ben asks "Why did you". "Gary, Gary he..." I start. "What did Gary do" My mum said looking at me then to my dad. "He" I started as I wrapped my hands around my lower stumock. "please don't say he" my dad said. I nodded. I see Ben glare at my dad and he nods and leaves. I'm still sitting on the counter. My mum walks over to me. "When did he do it sweetheart" she asked me. "earlier" I whispered. "Its okay we're going to deal with him. If Wes and Nelson don't I most certainly will" my mum says.

~~Wesley's Pov~~

"Nelson!" I say as I bang on his door. "come in?" he says as I open the door "how may I help Wes" he asked. "One of our employees Raped my child" I say looking at him. "WHO" he says standing up. "a certain Gary Renolds" I say. Nelson marches out of his office and goes into the meeting room. I follow. "Mr Syphus how many I help you" Gary says "as you can see I am in a verry important meeting right now". "well you can say goodbye to these lovely people. And goodbye to your JOB" Nelson says. "What?" he says."you really think I wouldn't find out what you did to my daughter" I say. "that bitch" he says throwing his name tag onto the table. "leave" Me and Nelson say. I watch Gary leave before Nelson turns to the guests in the meeting. "i am so sorry for the inconvenience I will have someone new put into Project; Pegasus right away" he says "I've already got someone in mind as long as their up for it" he says then leaves. I nod and leave. "Wes, love I'm taking Y/n home and I'm bringing Ben" Deb tells me. "okay I'll see you at home I've just got a couple things to sort out" i say the kiss her forehead.

End of flashback

~~Y/n's Pov~~

"thank you... Seriously" I say "thank you I couldn't of had a better Suprise. "what can I do to repay you?" Ben asks. "Help us" Sam says. "Help us take down syntec. For good" Matt tells me. "then consider me helping you" Ben says. "But for now" he says looking down at me "i've go to take this one somewhere".

~~Ben's Pov~~

Were sitting in my Rv and I ask "what did he do" I asks me "Gary what did he do" he repeats. "he... he took me... when I was walking to my car after work." She explains "he kept me at location 3 because no-one was allowed into there because it was set up as a trap" She started to cry "It's okay" I say wipping her tears. 

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