Woodland x Reader: Savour ***

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Breaks the spell of 863

TW- Abuse

~~Y/n's Pov~~

Me and Woods are sitting on the couch in my office while watching one of his Dope Or Nope videos. Till a message get's sent to the group chat. It was from Matt "Meet behind Red". I roll my eyes. "Matt wants us" I say. "Uhhhh why whenever we have fun we get pulled away" Woods says. "i don't know, let's go though" I say as I pull him up from the sofa and pull him out my office door.

We run out to of blue. We run behind red holding hands. "took you long enough" Matt says. "Sorry" me and Woods say. "anyways time to vandalise this" Matt says pointing at the car. "fuck yeah" I say. "doth thou want first swing" Woods asks while offering the bat to me. "sure" I say as I take it and hit it against the front drivers side and the back window.

I turn around to see everyone looking at me. Woods worried the most. "you just gonna keep stairing or is the next person gonna go" I question throwing the Bat on the floor. Ater a while, Sam wrote 'Strike 2' on the side and smashed a bit more of the windows. "VADILION PHOTOS" Woods yells. I grab his hand and jump up onto his back. "MATT" I say. Matt goes in front of them and takes photos then puts them up onto the Instagram of Spellbound+.

I then get a notification. I look at it and my face drops from happiness to sadness. "uhh I've got to take this sorry" I say and go into red and into Woods warehouse.

~~Woods' Pov~~

"Did anyone find that weird" Matt asks. "I'm not sure to be honest" Sam says. "If it was something bad she would have said something... right?" I question. "yeah, I think she's pretty honest" Matt tells me.

"Imma go check on her I'll be back" I say and walk into red and into my warehouse, hoping she would be there. "hey" I say as I see her sitting on the floor looking at the wall. "hi" she says. "you alright" i say as i walk towards her. She nods. "You sure" I ask. She pauses. "Y/n" I say as I see tears falling down her face "come here" I say as I pull her into a hug.

~~Y/n's Pov~~

Should I tell him. I mean I trust him. Once I calm down I say "Woods can I... can I tell you something" I ask still in his embrace. "of course you can" he says, slowly letting me out the hug so my head is still on his chest. "umm you know Mike. Mike my Boyfriend" I say. "yeah I know him" he says looking at me. "umm, he uh, he... he abuses me" I say. "Mentally or physically?" he asks. "both... more physically though" I say.

"Y/n" he says as he wipes the tears that fall from my eyes. Then Matt walks in. "Woods, Y/n" he says. I sit up so he cant see my eyes. "there's someone at the door outside red looking for Y/n" he tells us. "who is it" I ask. "i don't know but he keeps on DEMANDING to see you" he says. "I'll be out in a minute" I say as he leaves. I hug Woods and say "Thank you". "for what?" he asks. "for being such an amazing person" I say as I stand up. "come on we can walk out together" he says as he hugs me from the side.

We walk out to the front into the foyer and I see who it is. "Y/n" he says. It's clear he's had alcohol. I take a deep breath "Mike, Why are you here" I question. "Here to see you of course" he says. I look up at Woods. "please leave" he says to Mike. "no, I'm here to see my girlfirend" he says as he tries to grab my wrist. "HE SAID LEAVE" I say pulling my arm back. "NO" He yells "I'm here to see my Girlfriend" he yells. "YOUR NOT MY BOYFRIEND" I say. He steps back. "what" he says now more visible that he is drunk. He goes to hit me. I close my eyes

"Leave" I hear Woods say. I open my eyes to see Woods holding Mikes wrist. "NOW" he says. Mike leaves the building and gets into MY car. Woods pulls me into a hug as I slowly fall to the floor. "it's okay" he says still hugging me. I cry onto his shoulder. "how long has this been happening for?" he asks me. "Couple years" I say. "oh Y/n" he says causing me to cry more.

Matt walks in. "Take her up to your office Woods" Matt says. Me and Woods walk up to his office. He sit's me down on the couch. "I didn't want Matt to know" I say quietly. "i know, but he was bound to find out soon" Woods says Calmly. "i know" I say as I put my head back. "good night, love" Woods says as he lays me down on the couch as I fall asleep. I hear him leave the room.

A little while later I wake up. To see Woods at his desk. "Hey" he says quietly. "hey" I respond. "Woods can I talk to you about something" I say. "yeah, you know you can" he says. "Why did you call me love" I ask. "didn't realise you were awake, because I love you" he says. "you love me?" I ask. "More than a friend" he says. "I love you too" I say. He walks over to me as I sit up properly. He sit's next to me. I lean in and kiss him.

We break apart becase of a knock on the door. "i love you so much Y/n" Woods whispers. "come in" he says. "hey" Matt says walking in. I burry my head into Woods chest. "What's up" I hear him ask.

~~Woods' Pov~~

After Matt rudly intupted me and Y/n. I ask him "what's up" as I feel Y/n burry her head in my chest causing me to Smile. "You should both be getting home... it's 7:48" Matt says. "Oh shit" I says surprised. "See ya tomorrow" He says and winks then leaves the room.

"Y/n/n come on we need to get going" I say. "but I'm comfy" he says. "Then be my Girlfriend and come to my house" I say. "are you asking me out" She asks. "Will you Y/n be my girlfriend" I say. "of course I will" she says with a smile. "Come on let's leave" I say. 

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