Chapter 5: Dress up

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Luigi left the kitchen and walked to the room he was staying in. He stayed there the rest of the day, just reading "The History of Koopas" book or staring out the window, praying he would get to see his brother soon. He didn't mind staying in the castle, it was actually quite nice. He ended up falling asleep while reading.

The next day Luigi woke up feeling like he had the best sleep in a while. He soon realized that he had slept in and that it was around 11. He got ready quickly and sat on the bed reading the book from last night. He read for a few minutes before the door opened and a shuy guy came in with a tray of food. Luigi ate the food and then continued reading, occasionally looking out of the window. Luigi read and walked around the room for another four hours before the door creaked open again to a young female koopa standing in the doorway. She had high heels and a big bow. "How can I help you little one?" Luigi said, kneeling down. "Can you play dress up with me? None of my siblings want to." "Of course!" "Thank you mister!" Luigi smiled warmly at the young girl. As she was leading him down the hall, he decided to ask what her name was. "Say, what's your name?" "Wendy O. Koopa, but you can call me Wendy. You?" "Luigi." They walked in silence for a minute before Wendy stopped at a neon pink door. She opened it and led Luigi in. He walked in and the room was surprisingly simple. There was a vanity on one side with a pink stool underneath. There was also a pink bed with a ottoman at the front of the bed. "So this is where we'll be playing dress up?" Luigi asked skeptically. "Oh no silly! Here is where all my dress up stuff is!" Wendy said as she opened a pastel pink door. Luigi swore his jaw was actually on the floor. The door led into a huge walk in closet with a vanity and shelves and racks of clothes, dresses, and shoes. "Do you like it?" Wendy asked. All Luigi could do was nod. "Hmm...." Wendy said as she walked through the shelves and racks of clothes. She chose a green short dress with a small train on the back and handed it to Luigi. "Here, try this on. I'll be outside waiting for you to finish." Wendy said and left. Luigi took off his overalls and his shirt, and slipped on the dress. He looked in a nearby mirror and smiled. He had always wanted to wear a dress, but didn't for fear of being shunned. "Wendy I'm done!" Luigi shouted. Wendy walked back in and smiled. "You look so pretty!" she said with a squeal. "Can you find me a dress?" Luigi laughed and nodded his head. He ended up finding a mid length pink poofy dress. He left the closet so Wendy could change. While he was waiting for her to change, there was a knock on the door. Luigi went and opened the door to see a shy guy standing in front of the door. "Dinner is ready." he said, then walked away. After he walked away, Wendy walked out of her closet. "Is dinner ready?" "Yes." "Ok. Can you come to dinner in the dress please. I'll have the guards give you back your clothes after dinner!" Wendy said pleadingly. "Well I don't know if I'm allowed." Luigi said. "Pleaseee." Wendy begged. "Well how can I say no to that face." Luigi said with a chuckle.

A/N: Thank you for all the reads, votes, and comments! It means a lot to me and I hope you will keep enjoying my story!

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