[ Eleven ]

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Myra's Pov

There was no sign of yuvraaj from past one week , it was becoming a bit problem for me .
Not seeing him was making me crave his presence more and more.
My assignments were duly completed, and we were going to have break from tomorrow until next week for Students mental health.

The course was not particularly long , it was about ten months and i would have master's degree in my hand.
After that I don't know what i am going to do , Isha was definitely going out of india for her job or anything.
I thought about going back to my hometown Udaipur , but was i still ready for it ?
That place has held so many bad yet good memories.

The bell rang indicating last class was over.
The students seemed to have stopped talking about me and yuvraaj but there were always exceptional cases .

"Mayo" Isha said from Exit gate and I smiled.
"So finally the vacations !" She squealed and i laughed .
Right now i am so glad i was able to complete all my work and had to just review some notes and write them down.
Nothing that I couldn't finish in four- five hours.

"Umm mayo , Akarsh is coming to pick me up and I tried to say no but he was,"
I didn't let her complete the sentence before I squeezed her cheeks .

"Don't hold back because of me Isha, you need to enjoy your life too. Go on I will be fine"

"I am just so worried for you"
I smiled and patted her hands to go on as I could see Akarsh waiting by for her.
Isha waved at me and akarsh waved at me from a distance and i waved him back.

Both of them got into his car and sped off, students were saying their byes and talking and i opened my phone to look for a cab as i still didn't owned a car .
Isha's car was at garage for some monthly check up and i was finalising the ride when a car honk bought me out of my trance .

Looking up , i was met with blue green eyes staring back at me with adoration.
I just pouted and started walking away from him.
If he thinks he can ignore me for a week and then randomly comes to pick me up , then thank you .
I am not a fool.

He immediately got out of his car , and students started diverting their attention to us .
"Myra , just get in the car. I will explain everything" I scoffed at him and continued walking but it was so hard for me to resist him because he looked so Sizeable and i knew i would give in if he continued to lure me towards him .
"I am sorry Myra , i really am . I was acting silly . Just get in the car and i will explain everything"
I stopped walking and turned to look at him.

"Does that mean you will buy me all flavours of my favourite Ice creams"
I asked and he smiled .
Yes he fckn smiled for the third time.

"I will . I promise"
I didn't said anything else and got inside the passenger seat .
His guards too got inside their SUV's and he got inside as well.
The lavish interior and Jasmine scent with expensive leathers were making me give relaxation.
He drove off towards city and none of us said a word .

It was awkward but I won't just give up so easily .
"I am sorry again , i was pissed when you left without informing during my coronation , I decided to tell you this in person but some things needed my attention"
He said and turned to look at me and i gulped and sighed but kept quite.

I know Rajvansh's are very rich , probably own every luxurious items, hotels , clubs.
They had politics and people in their back pockets .
Controlled economy, made billions of dollars, rupees , Euros and god knows what from their Restaurants, hotels, clubs, resorts, airline , and Rajvansh's INC.
The Ladies too had their name in Fashion industry, in short they had name on everything.
But what things needed his attention so deliberately that he couldn't tell me about it first.

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