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The aftermath of the allergy incident was not pretty. Pedri immediately carried Gavi onto his back before taking him to the nurse's office. The whole school awent on an uproar seeing their precious prince having to go to the nurses office. If looks could kill, his fan girls would have buried me six feet underground with their eyes.

"I didn't need you to defend me," Mariana hissed before walking away.

Okay, where was this anger stemming from? This was not fair at all. I was trying to save her from their bullying but she was mad at me? I could not process what was going on.

I took my walk of shame out of the cafeteria and followed Sebastian to the nurses office where we waited beside Pedri, who was pacing by the door. He seemed very anxious. If an outsider looked, they would have thought he was waiting for a heart surgery to finish.

"How can you not know that your boyfriend was allergic to strawberries?" Sebastian asked, leaning his head against the wall.

"I didn't know," I simply answered.

"If anything happens to him, I will not forgive you," Pedri said, his voice almost cracking.

These people acted as if their friend was going to die. It was just an allergy. They were over reacting, in my humble opinion.

Just when I thought I was done getting interrogated, the principal pulled me aside into the hallway.

"I got word around the school that you fed Gavi the strawberry," he said. Geez, words must travel around with an airplane in this school.

"I did," I admitted.

"Did you know about his allergy?"

I shook my head, lying my head off.

"Not knowing is not going to excuse the fact that you nearly killed him," he reasoned.

"I am very sorry for what happened," I said, trying to get myself out of this situation.

"As an apology, you will clean the boys locker room today," he proposed.

Was he serious?

He was serious, judging by the stern expression on his face. This bald man was putting me in many difficult positions. First the ball dance? And now he wanted to clean the locker room? His expectations for me were way too high - he needed to lower them.

After this conversation, he dismissed Sebastian, Pedri and myself back to class.

Those cry babies looked as if they were going to have a panic attack when they walked away - and they said the female species were the dramatic ones.

Once I was in class, I found myself looking forward to the end of the day. To see if he was okay or not. My consciousness came back and I felt a tid bad for causing him that injury. It was careless of me to do that to a top star in this nation. But again, this top star was asking for it.

When the final bell rang, I got up out of my seat and debated whether or not to walk over to his class. My angel side must have taken over because I was walking in the direction over to his classroom. I'll just look to see if he was breathing well.

I spotted him laughing with his friends by the locker. He seems to be perfectly fine. You would not even realize he just experienced an allergy reaction. Why was I even worried? I turned around to walk the other way - ashamed that I was even worried in the first place.

I did a 180 degree and walked to the boys locker room for my detention duties.

Luckily, the boys had no practice today, so their locker room was empty. And best of all, I didn't have to see Gavi again. The principal had given me access to the room but not before I had to listen to his lecture about how our actions have consequences and such.

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