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I had never been one for adventure, I was almost to scared. Of course that never stopped me from being with my best friend, Luke Skywalker. Luke was the blonde haired boy you'd see at Owen Lars moisture farm at the very edge of the desert.

I was the girl you'd see there almost every day. My parents were old, and never really liked to move around, I suppose that's where I got my lack of adventure from.

Both of our families were secluded. Didn't really enjoy to much communication. That's why me and Luke are so close.

We are the only two people our age in miles! Besides other people are age aren't even really people at all, most are different creatures who we don't prefer to mess with.

We've been friends since we were seven, I remember it so clearly, the day I met him. I was kicking sand as I explored the surrounding area, dreading my new life in this dandy, secluded area.

"Hey watch it! Sand hurts when it gets into eyes y'know!" A voice called. I looked to the side and saw a sandy haired boy, covered in white robes. He had a toy ship in his hand, and seemed to have been playing with it before I interrupted him.

"I- sorry." I apologized awkwardly, scratching the back of my neck. The boy shrugged, as he dusted specs of sand of his clothes.

"Eh, no worries." He said as he continued to play with the toy. I watched him play with the toy, and giggled when he made the toy crash into the sand with a loud thud.

"Wanna join me?" He asked patting the sand in front of him. I nodded eagerly, and sat down.

Ever since then, we've been attached at the hip. Of course, we had other friends. I had my friends and he had his.

Except- it was different around him, it had always been. I've always felt happier around him, he made me laugh and smile much more than my other friends did. I suppose that's another reason I enjoyed his company so much.

Today was another one of the normal days I spent with the boy. He had the same toy in his hand, that he had always had, as we sat on his small leathery couch.

I chuckled as I watched him make shooting noises with his mouth, then the sound of something blowing up. He then dropped the toy onto my lap.

"You'll never get tired of that old thing, will you?" I asked with a smile, as I picked it up and looked at it.

"Nope." He said with a smile. "Besides, with the way Uncle Owens been acting, it's the closest I'll ever get to one of these." He continued as he took the toy from my hands and set it down on the table in front of him.

I shrugged. "Someday, I'm sure, you'll be in flight school." I had never liked the thought of him leaving Tatooine, and I had also never liked the thought of staying on Tatooine.

Both sounded absolutely horrible.

"Luke, Y/n! The Jawas are here!" Uncle Owens voice shouted. Luke sighed and got up.

"Duty calls." I muttered nudging Luke. He chuckled and pulled me up from the couch. We met Uncle Owen at the exit of their oddly large home, and together walked up a small set of stairs.

I immediately saw the Jawas standing in front of a large line of droids, all different shapes and sizes.

A small hooded Jawa sped walk over to us, and began speaking a language I didn't quite understand. Uncle Owen, although nodded his head.

"Alright, come on." He said to the two of us. We followed him about a step, until the sound of Aunt Berus called out.

"Luke! Luke!" She dragged on the 'e' in Luke's name, awaiting his presence. Luke quickly ran over to his aunt, then ran back over.

I had already begun looking at all the droids. Of course, it wasn't my say in which one they bought, I just loved looking at the different designs of them; especially this golden one, who had the shape of a human.

By the time Luke had arrived, Uncle Owen had already picked a white droid, with red accents all along it.

Luke crouched down in front of droid, while I looked at a blue Astromech droid beside it.

"R2-D2, huh?" I asked the little droid, as a read a little label near the side of his head. The droid beeped in response, which made me chuckle. "You look like you'd be a great droid." The droid beeped even louder.

I looked over at Uncle Owen, who seemed to be talking to the golden droid I had been looking at earlier, the golden droid was making all sorts of hand motions with its golden arms, making me chuckle once again.

The little blue droid turned its head towards the golden droid, and beeped. "Do you know him?" I asked the little droid. It beeped in response.

"I'm not really sure if that's a yes, or a no." I said scratching the back of my neck with a smile. The droid then moved its body up and down.

"Was that supposed to be a nod?" I asked with a grin. It nodded once again. "Your incredibly smart for a little droid like yourself, whoever created you must be a genius."

"Luke!" Uncle Owen called out, making me and him look over. I waved goodbye to the astromech droid, and followed Luke over to his uncle.

"Take these two to the garage, I want them cleaned before dinner." Uncle Owen barked to the two of us.

I nodded, but it seemed like Luke had other plans. "But I was going into Tashi's station to pick up some power converters." Luke groaned.

Luke looked at me sadly, then at his uncle hopefully. Uncle Owen sighed, "You can waste time with your friends when your chores are done. Now come on."

Luke huffed. "Alright c'mon." I smiled softly at Luke, hoping to cheer him up. We began walking, until we stopped at the sound of- blowing up?

We both jolted our heads to see the red droid with smoke coming out it's top. "Uncle Owen!" Luke shouted. "This R2 unit has a bad motivator, look!" I went up to the red droid, and examined the busted top. I then jolted back when two small Jawas appeared to roll it away.

Uncle Owen snatched the money he had recently gave the Jawa away. "What are you trying to push on us?" He said to the small creature in annoyance.

I looked over at the blue droid I had talked with earlier, he was beeping and bouncing up and down, either excited, or trying to gain our attention.

"Excuse me sir," The golden droid said as he tapped Lukes shoulder with his metal hands. "That R2 unit is in fine condition, a real bargain if you ask me." He convinced.

Luke nodded. "Uncle Owen!" He looked over at us. "What about that one?!" He said pointing to the droid.

I smiled to myself.

After they purchased the little droid, it came happily rolling over towards us. I grinned as the little droid rolled up beside me.

I then followed Luke into his home, patting his shoulder due to his heavy amount of annoyance with his uncle.


First chapter done!! What do y'all think?? I honestly am really enjoying this story so far eeeeeh

Love ya

-bel <3

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