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Life was good. Cold- but good. I had become much closer with Leia, Chewie, Han, and especially Luke.

Luke was dispatched on look-out patrol. He apparently saw a probe droid and went to explore like he always does.

I had found a new hobby while stuck on this ice planet. It was fixing things. Droids, ships, anything. It helped clear my head, it also gave me something to do.

I was good at it, surprisingly good. I was currently helping Chewie out by fixing the falcon. Han was planning on leaving soon, he had to pay off some debt to a gangster on Tatooine. Jabba—I think was his name?

"Chewie, Stars!" Hans voice yelled from below us. I looked down, and saw him standing there, bundled up in many layers of clothing, very much like I was.

I pulled off a pair of glasses I had been wearing, and turned my attention towards Han. "What's up?" I asked.

Chewie although, didn't give Han any time to respond. He began going on a tangent, howling about many different things.

And yes, I had begun to finally understand the wookie language.

"Alright- alright!" Han yelled putting his hands up. "Don't loose your temper. I'll come right back and give y'all a hand."

Once Han had left, I looked down at a small mechanical watch. "I wonder if Luke's back yet.. I'm gonna go check. See ya in a bit Chewie." I said before hopping down from the ship.

I ignored Chewies howls of un-appreciation, and began my search for Luke. I met Leia in a hallway near the control room, only to be greeted by her and Han arguing. I groaned and approached them with my arms crossed.

"Where Luke?" I asked Han. Han glared at me. "Aren't you supposed to be fixing my ship?" He asked cocking and eyebrow.

"I got bored. Where's Luke?" I asked again. Han rolled his eyes. "Not back yet, now go away. I'm trying to get the princess to admit her feelings for me."

I raised my eyebrows and scoffed. "Good luck with that." I then walked away, bored out of my mind. Luke was the only person who I could talk with for hours. Especially when I was bored.

And I am very, very bored.

Living on this deserted ice rock got boring. Han and Luke got to do patrols, and Leia was a leading officer. I was just a self-proclaimed mechanic.

Of course I didn't rely on my friends, but I surely liked when they were around. I then heard beeping coming from down the hall. I smiled and approached the two comedic droids.

"Ah! Master Y/n. It's lovely too see you." 3-PO said in a cheerful voice. I chuckled, and pat his shoulder.

"Nice to see you too. Where are you off too?" I asked following along side them.

"We were just about to deliver a message to Master Solo." He responded. I nodded, and watched as the two droids scrambled away from my side, and towards Han. I frowned as I saw Han and Chewie.

They were arguing over something Chewie did to the ship. I rolled my eyes. Why is it that Han is always arguing with someone?

C-3PO scrambled away from my side and went over to Han. "Master Solo, Princess Leia has been trying to contact you—"

"I turned my com-link off, I don't want to talk to her." Han grumbled. I frowned and kneeled down by Chewie, helping him connect a couple wires.

"Oh, well Princess Leia is wondering where Master Luke is, he hasn't come back yet." C-3PO asked. I perked my head up at the sound of his name.

"I don't know where he is." Han spat back. I frowned, and stood up.

"Nobody knows where he is, Han." I said handing a tool back to Chewie. "What do you mean nobody." Han asked me.

"Nobody as in nobody, Han!" I spat back. Han rolled his eyes, and turned around. I followed him.

"Deck officer! Deck officer!" Han yelled. A man walked over to us, with a confused look on his face.

"Do you know where Luke- Commander Skywalker is?" I asked him politely.

"I haven't seen him. It's possible he came in through the south entrance." The man responded.

"Possible? Well why don't you go find out!" Han ordered to him. The man quickly nodded his head, and turned away from us.

"Excuse me sir! Might I inquire what's going on?" 3-PO asked. I chuckled and patted his shoulder as Han made a snarky remark back.

"Impossible man." 3-PO grumbled. "Come on R2, let's find Princess Leia." I grinned watching them walk away, and followed Han.

We entered the Taun-Taun stable, and immediately began searching for Lukes. It was no where to be seen.

I frowned and crossed my arms. "I hope he is alright.." I muttered to Han. He shrugged and smirked at me. "When is he not?" I rolled my eyes and let out a small chuckle.

The Deck Officer came running back towards us. "He hasn't gone through the South entrance. He might've forgotten to check in." He told us.

"Not likely." I said back. "Are the speeders ready?" Han asked. The officer shook his head in return.

"They are having some trouble adapting to the temperature." He told us. I shrugged.

"So what? I'll take a Taun-Taun." I replied, walking over to one.

"Ma'am- the temperature is dropping to rapidly!" The officer told me with a worried expression. "I'm sorry, but my friend is out there. So we're going to get him." I said back.

Han smirked and followed me to the Taun-Taun. The officer sighed in defeat.



A whole chapter without Luke 😭😭 but it okay because we are slaying while he's out their decaying.

Anyways love y'all bye

-bel 💋

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