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I laid close next to Luke as we sat on top of the sandy, rocky hill. Luke was scanning the area, trying to find any sign of sand people.

"Do you see any?" I asked him as I looked side to side for any sign of motion.

"Well- there are to banthas down there, but I don't see any... Wait a second." He muttered. "It's sand people all right, I see one of them now."

I groaned and covered my face with my hands. "Watch out-!" Luke yelped. I opened my eyes to reveal a tall sand person in front of us, holding a long weapon in its gloved hands.

Me and Luke both stood up immediately. He swung his long blaster at the creature, pushing me behind him. "Go!" He yelled to me.

It pushed Luke to the ground, and began swinging its long weapon at him. Luckily, he dodged the first few, but the last knocked him out.

I flinched at the sight, and hid back behind the rock I was seated by. I watched as the large group of sand people carried Luke down towards the speeder.

They began rummaging through all the things inside, and throwing out things they didn't quite care for.

I jolted back once I heard an eery sound. I looked over towards the hills, and saw a hooded figure waving their arms around.

The sand people instantly ran away, making fearful noises and kicking sand as they did so.

I immediately ran down from the hill I was on, not caring who this mysterious person was. I kneeled down by Luke, and brushed his sand covered hair out of his face.

The cloaked figure kneeled down beside me, placing his hand on Lukes head. "What are you- Ben?!" I asked as he took of his hood.

He chuckled, and nodded. "He'll be okay." He told me placing a hand on my shoulder. He then turned towards a small cave in the tall hill.

R2, was hidden inside. "Hello there." He said whimsically. "Come here my little friend, don't be afraid."

R2 slowly rolled out, beeping in an, what seemed to be anxious tone. I looked down at Luke once again, brushed hair of his forehead. This caused his eyes to flutter open.

"Rest easy son, you've had a busy day. You're fortunate to still be in one piece." Old Ben said with a small smile.

I put my hand on Luke's back, helping him sit up. "Y/n..? Ben? Ben Kenobi!" He said as if he was asking an obvious question. "Boy, am I glad to see you."

"The Junland wastes are not to be traveled lightly." Ben advised as we all three stood up from the ground. "Tell me young children, what brings you out this far?"

"This little droid." I answered. "I think he's searching for his former master, but I've never seen such devotion in a droid before." I continued adding a short laugh.

"He claims to be the property of an Obi Wan Kenobi, is a relative of yours? Do you know who he's talking about?" Luke asked stabling himself as he sat on a large rock.

The old Herman looked surprised. "Obi Wan Kenobi.." He muttered to himself. "Obi Wan.. Now that's a name I have not heard in a long time." He told us.

"I think my Uncle knows him. He said he was dead." Luke sighed as she looked over at me, then at the tall man. "Oh he's not dead. Not yet." Ben told us.

"You know him?" I asked the man. He chuckled and nodded.

"Of course I know him, he's me!" Me and Luke stared at the man blankly. "I haven't gone by the name Obi Wan, since long before you were born. Although, I don't seem to remember owning a droid. Very interesting.." he muttered.

I shivered at the sound of growling, most likely more sand people coming our way. "I think we better get indoors soon." I said to the group.

"I know just the place." Obi Wan told us.


Kenobi took us to a small hut on the outskirts of the dunes. Him and Luke were already having a conversation about his father.

"My father didn't fight in the wars. He was a navigator on a spice freighter." Luke told the man as he re-attached C-3POs arm. I was listening closely to the conversation, while cleaning of R2 of any sand still in his system.

"That's what your uncle told you." Obi Wan replied. Luke sighed and shrugged, while Obi Wan continued. "He didn't hold with your father's ideals, thought he should've stayed here and not gotten involved."

"Did you fight in the clone wars?" I asked the man as I brushed off a pile of sand from the droids outset.

"Yes.. I was once a Jedi knight the same as Luke's father." He replied as he put his hand to his chin and leaned back against the couch he was seated on.

"I wish I'd known him." Luke told us sadly. I frowned, and continued cleaning the poor droid.

"He was the best Star pilot in the galaxy, and a cunning warrior. I understand you've become quite a good pilot yourself."

Luke smiled sand shrugged, obviously proud of himself. "And he was good friend." The old man finished. I smiled at them both, and looked down at the blue droid.

"Which reminds me, I have something here for you." The old man stated as he got up out of his chair. He began towards a small chest, opened it, and pulled out a metal- I'm not quite sure what it was.

"Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it." The Herman told us. "He feared you might follow Obi Wan in some damn-fool idealistic crusade like your father did."

I chuckled at this, and Luke smiled at me softly, before turning towards the man once again. Luke got up, and looked at the metal thing in Kenobi's hand. "What is it?" He asked.

"It's your fathers lightsaber, this is the weapon of a Jedi night. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster." Obi Wan told Luke.

Luke then pressed a small button, then ignited the lightsaber. A blue blade appeared out of it, it was mesmerizing. Luke swirled it around in the air, eyeing the iridescent glow.

"It's an elegant weapon." The man continued. "For a more civilized age. For over a thousand generations, the Jedi knights were the guardians of piece and justice in the old republic, before the dark times." He said grimly.


I try to limit myself on how much words I put into chapters because in my other story I tend to write a lot.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!

Love ya


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