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"Aren't you two a little short for stormtroopers?" The brunette girl asked us. Luke tilted his head in confusion, while I took off my helmet.

"I'm Y/n Stars, this is Luke Skywalker, we're here to rescue you!" I told her. She looked unconvinced.

"We've got your R2 unit- we're here with Ben Kenobi!" Luke added on.

"Ben Kenobi?!" She retaliated. We both nodded and made a hand motion for the princess to follow us. "Where is he?" She asked as we ran out of the room.

"Not quite sure at the moment- but he is here!" I told her as she ran along side me. "Come on!" Luke called out to us.

I smiled at her, and ran down the hall.

I began to hear the firing of blasters as we got farther down the hall. "Can't get out that way." Told Han once he reached us at the end of the long hallway.

"Looks like you managed to cut off our only escape route." The Princess grumbled as she crossed her arms.

Han turned his head to face her. "Maybe you'd like it back in your cell, your highness." Han spat, shooting her an unappreciated look.

Their bickering was cut off by a blast going right above our heads. I jolted down, and felt my hand being grabbed.

I began to pulled down the hall by Luke, the rest of them following us. "C-3PO. C-3PO!" Luke blubbered into the com-link.

"Yes sir?" Came a mechanical voice.

"Are there any other ways out of the cell bay? We've been cut off!" Luke asked the droid.

I could barely make out 3POs response, mainly
because of the loud blasts coming at us from all directions.

"What was that?" I asked the droid again. "I didn't copy." Another inaudible murmur. I groaned and leaned back against the wall.

"Both ways are trapped!" Han grumbled as he shot down a storm trooper. Suddenly my eye caught a small garbage chute.

I grabbed Luke's blaster and shot it. Handing it back to him, I stepped over to the chute. "C'mon! It's the only way out." I told them.

The princess smiled, "You're obviously the brains of this operation." She then grabbed Han and shoved him into the chute.

"Into the garbage chute, fly-boy." Was all she said. I chuckled, and jumped in after him, the rest following me.

I landed on other a groan, falling into a hard piece of plastic. Luke landed on top of me, making me groan even harder.

"Ugh- it's smells worse than the Banthas on Tatooine." I muttered plugging my nose. Han then took out his blaster and tried shooting the door.

The blast began bouncing off the walls, and straight towards me. Luckily Luke moved me out of the way fast enough.

"Don't even try! It's magnetically sealed!" Luke yelled.

"Put that thing away you're going to get us all killed!" Leia ordered.

"Are you trying to kill me?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him angrily.

Han grimaced at the princess. "Well of course, your highness." He muttered. "Look, I had very thing under control, until Y/n led us down here, and all of you decided to follow her."

"This isn't her fault, we would've been dead if we hadn't come down here." Luke told him, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Exactly, she—" But the princess was cut off by a low and menacing growl. I, by instinct stepped closer to Luke.

"There's something alive in here." Luke muttered pushing me closer to him.

"That's your imagination." Han said waving it off.
Another growl.. and something moved past ours leg in the water, causing me to move away towards the Princess, and Luke to frown.

"Something just moved past my leg!" Luke exclaimed. "I felt it too!" I muttered standing in top of a small pile of trash.

"Look. Did you see that?" Luke asked Han, referring to the tentacle like thing moving in the water.

"What?" Han asked with a unconvinced look upon his face. I rolled my eyes, and looked at the princess with an annoyed grin. Chewie began growling, as he banged on the door.

More growling..

Suddenly Luke was pulled into the water. I gasped in shock, and immediately began reaching down for him.

I flung my arms into the water, searching desperately.

Suddenly, he arrived back at the top, gasping for air. "Shoot it!" Luke cried. I began trying to pull Luke, while the other tried shooting the slimy arm wrapped around him.

He was pulled back under. "No, no!" I cried digging my hands in the water for him. Suddenly he arrived back at the top, with nothing pulling him back under. I pulled him to the surface, and used my jacket to dry his hair.

"What happened? Where did it go?" Asked the princess. Luke shrugged, "It just let go of me and disappeared!"

He began coughing up a heavy amount of dirty, trash filled water. This time, there was a metal growl. "I've got a bad feeling about this." Han uttered out. "Me too." I grumbled back, tying the now wet jacket around my waist.

Suddenly the walls started moving in. "The walls are moving!" Han cried out. The princess looked at him bitterly.

"Well don't just stand there! Try and brace it with something!" She yelled at him. He rolled his eyes and began rummaging around in the piles, similar to the rest of us.

Luckily, the princess found a large pole, that we attempted to use. Luke pulled out his com-link and began yelling into it.

The walls began closing in even tighter, and so Luke began yelling louder. "One things for sure, we're all gonna be a lot thinner!" Han joked.

"Real funny, Han." I muttered to him.

Finally, C-3PO picked up, I cried out in fear.

Until- it stopped?

I didn't bother listening to what the group was yelling about, I just needed to leave this smelly dungeon.


This chapter is so chaotic!

Love ya


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