Part One - Tension

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Engfa sat slouchy in the hotel chair drinking alcohol out of a glass,she was nervous and was thinking she might have made a mistake,her friend Nudee had suggested for her to blow off some steam with a woman from a Escort company.

Here she was waiting for a woman she never met to show her a good time ,a knock was heard making Engfa jump in her chair ,she composed herself before answering the door "Solo bird ?" The woman says with a seductive voice.

"Y-yes that's me" the woman lightly pushes Engfa inside and closes the door "w-what's your name?"

"Just call me Bunny,now relax" The woman says ,she pushes Engfa to the the bed before straddling her lap "I want you to fuck me" she sweetly whispered in The older woman's ear .

There eyes meet and Engfa studies how gorgeous the other woman was ,her features were out of this world ,without hesitation her lips met the other ,there tongues tangled together madly fighting for dominance.

Engfa never felt so aroused in her life she wraps her arms around the woman's waist deepening there kiss ,she never wanted this feeling to go away.

Bunny stands up breaking there kiss making Engfa unconsciously pout ,she smirks seeing the reaction before sliding her black dress off ,Engfa was fascinated at the woman's well shaped body,bunny takes her bra off leaving her only in her black lace thong.

"You're beautiful" Engfa says ,she was now feeling a bit shy .

Bunny smiles and straddle's Engfa again ,she licks the woman's ear "give me your hand" she whispers and Engfa obeyed.

Bunny guides Engfa's hand down her body and stops and looks at Engfa making sure the woman was comfortable before she did the next thing ,once she got reassurance she continued to guide Engfa's hand into her thong.

Engfa had sex with many Woman before but tonight she felt like a Virgin about to lose her virginity,she couldn't understand why this woman made her knees week,she watched as bunny rubbed her hand on her clit .

Bunny let's out a moan making Engfa's body heat up ,everything she knew started to come back to her ,she flips the woman on the bed and now she was on top of her .

Engfa kisses the woman before trailing kisses down her neck ,she starts to caress bunny's right breast,she gently tug at the erected nipple ,bunny was loving the feeling Engfa was giving her .

Engfa slides her hand back into Bunny's thong and could feel how wet the woman was,it turned her on even more ,she uses two of her fingers and slowly penetrate the woman's throbbing core .

Engfa's watches bunny's facial expressions as she rubbed the front wall of her vagina ,the woman's eyes were closed as she tried not to moan ,Engfa loved the sight she was seeing and continued to thrust her fingers inside the woman.

"Oh my god" bunny moans "go deeper" her words were obeyed and she could feel The other woman deep inside her,Engfa feels something spongy and firm ,knowing exactly what she found she starts pressing her fingers in a hither motion earning a loud moan from bunny.

Engfa adds more pressure and speeds up her thrust ,she could feel Bunny's walls closing on her fingers .

Bunny could feel herself cumming ,she didn't want Engfa to stop ,her body was heating up ,she couldn't contain her moans "cum for me" Engfa says seductively.

Bunny couldn't hold it in anymore and cums all over Engfa's fingers but she wasn't done and somehow Engfa knew that.

Engfa felt as warm liquid started to cover her hands ,bunny opens her eyes realizing what she just did "oh my god ,I'm so sorry ,I never done that before" she started to feel embarrassed.

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