Part 2- complicated

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Engfa shows Charlotte around her upstairs as the two held hands ,this was there second time meeting but it felt as if they known each other forever,they walk pass a room with a red door "what's behind that room?" Charlotte pointed.

Engfa was nervous,not many people knew what was behind that door "it's a uh play room for adults" many woman left Engfa because of what was inside that play room.

Charlotte was intrigued by that ,she had a feeling of what was behind the door "can I see your play room?" She says with a hint of seduction.

"Not many can handle my play room,and I want you to be comfortable" Engfa just found the woman and she didn't want to lose her because of the things she likes to do .

"I am comfortable,we may not know each other completely but I have a feeling you wouldn't do anything to hurt me" Engfa felt a tingle all over her body ,could Charlotte be the woman she waited so long for?.

"Okay,then I'll show you" they walked back to the door still holding hands ,Engfa takes a deep breath before opening the door and turning the light on.

Charlotte's eyes lit up ,it was like being in a toy store for adults ,she walks around the room gliding her fingers on the Toys  ,whips and chains hung on the walls and a big red bed sat in middle with velvet silk sheets,she turns to see Engfa standing awkwardly at the door "so you're into BDSM?" Engfa nods shyly.

"If any of this makes you uncomfortable,then I would understand if you want nothing to do with me" Charlotte walks over to her and kisses her surprising the woman.

"Seeing this doesn't make me uncomfortable,it makes me extremely horny" Engfa couldn't believe it ,Charlotte didn't find her creepy ,she watched as the woman shuts the door behind her " so are you submissive or dominant?"

"I'm both" Engfa says ,Charlotte gives her a passionate kiss before unbuttoning her shirt "w-which one are you ?" Engfa never thought she would have someone else inside her play room .

Charlotte gently bites Engfa's ear and whispers "I'm both ,but I love being dominant" the way she talked gave Engfa goosebumps "kneel down to me" Charlotte says with a alluring smile.

Engfa's body reacted on its own and she kneels in front of Charlotte ready to hear her next order ,her was racing so fast ,she waited for so long and it was finally happening she was finally able to do what she loved doing "w-what should I call you m-ma'am?" She asked with her head starring at Charlotte's feet.

"Call me mami" Charlotte walks over and takes one of the short whips off the wall "strip for me" Charlotte Demand it,Engfa quickly gets off the floor and starts to strip ,Charlotte hits her shoulder hard with the whip "did I tell you to stand up?"

Engfa kneels back down "sorry mami" she says before taking the rest of her clothes off ,she could feel the stinging sensation on her shoulder from the whip and she loved how the pain made her feel.

She felt so comfortable with Charlotte that she didn't mind being completely naked in front of the girl "stand up" Engfa stands up ready for whatever Charlotte wanted to do,Charlotte glides the whip down her exposed body sending chills down Engfa's spine.

"I want you to pick out our safe word" Engfa never got to do that before ,what would be a good safe word she wondered,it would have to be something that represents the two of them ,something unique ,Charlotte hits her skin hard with whip "you're taking to long to answer"

"Sorry mami ,how about Englot?" Charlotte stares at her wanting the woman to explain the word "it's a combination of our names ,Eng for Engfa and lot for Charlotte" Charlotte's eyes softened she's never had her name combined with someone else.

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