Part 5- healing wounds

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Months had passed since Charlotte and Engfa parted ways, and life had carried on for both women. While Charlotte was determined to move forward and rebuild her life, Engfa found herself trapped in a deep depression.

Every corner she turned, every song she heard, and every memory she held onto seemed to remind her of Charlotte. The pain of their separation weighed heavily on her heart, making it difficult for her to find solace in her daily life.

Engfa's friends and family grew increasingly concerned about her well-being. They could see the toll the breakup had taken on her, and they desperately wanted to help her find a way out of the darkness she was enveloped in.

They encouraged Engfa to seek professional help, suggesting therapy as a means to process her emotions and find strategies for coping with her depression. Reluctantly agreed, understanding that her healing journey required more than time.

Engfa began attending therapy sessions, where she found a safe space to express her grief, anger, and longing for Charlotte. The therapist listened attentively, providing empathy and guidance as Engfa navigated through the turbulent sea of emotions.

In addition to therapy, Engfa also embraced self-care practices. She rediscovered her love for painting and spent hours creating vibrant and expressive artwork that allowed her to channel her emotions onto the canvas. Engfa also found solace in nature, taking long walks in the park and immersing herself in the calming beauty of the outdoors.

With time, Engfa's depression began to lift, albeit slowly. The combination of therapy, self-expression, and self-care gradually helped her regain a sense of self and find a glimmer of hope for the future.

Meanwhile, Charlotte, who had also faced her own challenges in the aftermath of the breakup, continued to focus on her personal growth. She immersed herself in her work, pursuing new opportunities and expanding her horizons. Though she missed Engfa deeply, she understood that their paths had diverged and that healing required individual journeys.

Before the two women knew it, a year had passed. Engfa took over her father's company, and Charlotte moved to the UK with her sister Becky. Charlotte got the opportunity to work at a luxury Escort company as the supervisor.

"Okay, I'm all set," Charlotte says with a smile once she has put her luggage into the car. "thanks for being here with me," she says sincerely.

"No need to thank me; it's my job to help my beautiful friend," the other woman says before going over and wrapping her arms around Charlotte's waist. "are you sure you want to go?" She asked with concern.

Charlotte wraps her arms around the taller woman's neck and pulls her in for a kiss. "yeah," the two kiss again, letting their lips explore one another.

"Okay, that's enough; let's get to the airport," Becky says as she walks out of the house and tries to carry her luggage. "Hazel, can you help me please?" She pouts, not being able to drag the luggage.

Charlotte and Hazel chuckled before going over to help Becky; the three women were on their way back to Thailand for a week; sadly, their father had passed away from lung cancer, and they needed to plan his funeral.

Engfa sits on the side of the bed and puts back on her clothes; she stands up and buttons her pants before looking at the two naked women sleeping in her bed; she walks downstairs and is greeted by her best friend Nudee, who is sitting at the kitchen table eating lunch.

"You know, I didn't think being your housemate would mean hearing you sleeping with Supermodels every night; I need to get laid," Nudee says with a pout.

Engfa chuckles and walks to the fridge to grab a plate of brownies; she sits across from her friend and starts to unwrap the plate. "sorry for keeping you up here." she offers Nudee a brownie.

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