Part 3 -Official

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Charlotte stood there with her heart beating fast ,no one has ever made her feel so nervous before "I know you've been avoiding me,and that's okay I know what we did probably made you uncomfortable" uncomfortable? Charlotte loved every minute they spent together.

"You don't make me uncomfortable,you make me feel safe" Charlotte has never said anything like that before ,she couldn't take it back now so she might as well kept going "you're a amazing person Engfa ,but I refuse to be in between a couple"

"Me and pich arent a real couple ,she's in a relationship with her step brother ,but that's not allowed so she asked me to become her pretend girlfriend" Engfa wasn't allowed to tell anyone this but she knew she could trust Charlotte.

"But why accept being someone's pretend girlfriend?"

Engfa shrugs her shoulders and sighs "at that time I didn't care about relationship's but then I met you" Charlotte heart felt warm " I love pich but I also can't stand pich but she's my friend and her and Scott are perfect for each other" Engfa stands and walks over to Charlotte and hold her hand " I really like you Charlotte and I trust you but I also need you to sign a NDA"

Charlotte was stunned but she wasn't upset ,signing a NDA made sense considering she just found out that Engfa was a heir and anything that the woman did could become a news article "ok I'll sign it"

Engfa was ready to offer Charlotte money like she had to for so many others but the woman was okay with it "you don't want me to make you a offer?" Engfa was confused this has never happened before.

Charlotte lightly squeeze's Engfa's hand and smile"I don't need a offer from you ,I understand" Engfa looks into the woman's eyes and could see how sincere she was with her words .

Engfa crashes her lips onto Charlotte's and the two begin to take each other's clothes off "you're incredible" Engfa says through there kiss .

Charlotte smirks and pushes Engfa on the bed and gets on top of her letting there naked bodies touch ,she starts to put kisses down her neck ,she lightly chokes her earning a satisfying gasp from engfa .

Charlotte bites the bottom lip of engfa before kissing her lips ,she glides the tip of her fingers down the woman's body and rubbed her inner thigh,Engfa wanted to feel Charlotte in every way she could and Charlotte knew that .

Charlotte rubs Engfa's clit as there lips continued to battle ,engfa moans in Charlotte's mouth loving the feeling of her bundle of nerves being explored,Charlotte insert's two fingers into the woman's wet core ,it felt so good to Engfa that she grips onto Charlotte's shoulders.

Charlotte love seeing how she made engfa feel ,the woman looked like a goddess and all she wanted to do is pleasure her and make her feel good,she speeded up her thrust earning moans of ecstasy from Engfa,Charlotte's winces a little when Engfa dug her nails into her back ,Charlotte actually like the pain.

Charlotte's fingers became a explorer exploring the beauty inside of Engfa ,she wanted to feel the woman's cum slide down her fingers,it was the mess she craved for.

Charlotte could feel Engfa's walls closing on her fingers and she knew it was only a matter of time before she got what she wanted "cum for me" she whispers in the woman's ear .

Engfa couldn't take it anymore and let herself cum all over Charlotte's fingers,electricity went through her whole body,she had sweat on her forehead and needed to catch her breath.

Charlotte brings her fingers up to her lips and licks them while she kept eye contact with Engfa who was even more turned on then before.

Engfa flips the two of them over until she was on top and smiles ,she also licks Charlotte's fingers "my turn" she says seductively.

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