part 6- Englot

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As Charlotte stood by her father's grave, surrounded by the somber atmosphere of the cemetery, a flood of conflicting emotions overwhelmed her. The past had been a tumultuous journey with her father, marked by moments of pain, disappointment, and resentment. Yet, in his final days, he had shown a sincere effort to be a better parent.

The news of his stage 4 colon cancer had brought an unexpected twist to the farewell. It added a bitter layer to the occasion, leaving Charlotte torn between the lingering hurt from the past and a newfound sympathy for the man who had tried to redeem himself in his final moments.

As she glanced over at her sister Becky, Charlotte could see a reflection of her own complex emotions in Becky's eyes. The two sisters had been through so much together, both the highs and lows of their relationship with their father. The ceremony had brought closure, but it also stirred up memories and unresolved feelings.

Engfa's presence further complicated Charlotte's emotional state. Their history was a story of love and heartbreak, and seeing Engfa again reignited a flame that she thought she had extinguished. The shared memories and the intertwining of their lives had left an indelible mark on her, and now, amidst the grief and farewell, those feelings resurfaced.

As the funeral proceeded, Charlotte found herself grappling with forgiveness, acceptance, and the realization that life's complexities often resist simple resolutions. The bittersweet farewell became a poignant reminder of the intricate web of human relationships and the ever-present capacity for change and redemption, even in the face of mortality.

now that charlotte had buried her father ,she was ready to leave thailand "hey,how are you feeling?"engfa asks.

charlotte wipes the tears that she didnt even realized had ran to her cheeks "i'll be okay,thanks for coming"

"thanks for letting me come" As they stood by her father's grave, the wind carrying a mix of sorrow and relief, Charlotte realized that this farewell wasn't just about saying goodbye to her father. It was also a moment of reflection, a turning point in her life,a life wanted to find without Engfa.

"Char,are you ready?" hazel asked once she walked over to the two Ex lovers ,she could feel the tense atmosphere but she ignored her strange feeling.

Charlotte bids goodbye to Engfa and walks away holding hands with hazel as Engfa watches in silence. Engfa's gaze lingered on Charlotte's retreating figure, her heart heavy with the weight of their shared history. The wind carried the echoes of the bittersweet farewell, and she knew that this moment marked a significant chapter in their lives.

Hazel, sensing the unspoken emotions, squeezed Charlotte's hand gently. "You okay?"

Charlotte nodded, a mix of emotions still evident in her eyes. "Yeah, I just need some time to process everything. It's been a lot."

Hazel gave her a reassuring smile, understanding the complexity of the situation. As they walked away from the cemetery, Charlotte cast one last glance over her shoulder, meeting Engfa's eyes for a brief moment. There was a silent acknowledgment between them, a recognition that thier story was over.

"you're going to let her walk away again?" Engfa was suprised by the voice and turns to see charlotte's sister Becky and her girlfriend.

"she seems happy with hazel,i dont want to ruin that for her" Engfa didn't mean those words ,she did want the other woman to be happy but she wanted them both to be happy together, she still carries around charlotte's engagement ring.

Becky and her girlfriend exchanged glances, sensing the unspoken turmoil in Engfa's words. "Engfa, sometimes happiness comes in unexpected forms," Becky said, her tone filled with understanding.

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