Part Seven-Finale

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Five years later....

The two women sat next to each other sneaking a few glances at one another,Engfa sighs and picks the pen up from the table ,she looks at the papers and looked at charlotte one last time "are you sure you want to do this?" She wanted the other woman to be sure because there was no going back.

Charlotte takes a deep breath and smiles "yes ,yes I'm sure" Engfa signs the papers and handed them to charlotte to sign ,once the papers were signed they hand the papers back to the woman across from them.

"Alright ,it'll take a few days for things to process,in the meantime I suggest you two plan accordingly" she says before grabbing her things and leaving the two women alone to think about there decision .

The room was silent,Engfa clears her throat "I love you and I love what we're doing but I don't want you to go through this if you don't want to" being married is a team effort and Engfa didn't want to be the only one keeping the team together.

"I love you too, but this is bigger than us and I know it's the right choice" Engfa takes charlotte's hand and kisses it making the other woman smile.

That night the two invited there family over to tell them the news ,everyone sat down on the couches and looked at the nervous couple who was standing up.

"So we've decided on something" Engfa started off "charlotte and I have started the process of adopting Abigail" she excitedly says .

Everyone stayed silent looking at the two confused woman "this isn't news to them babe" Charlotte says with a smile.

"You guys has had Abigail for four years I'm shocked it took this long honestly" Becky says as everyone nods there heads in agreement,Engfa felt sad once she realized it ,she should of pushed to adopt sooner but she knew Charlotte needed time.

"Well she already knows I'm her grandfather ,but I would love it to say it forever on paper" Engfa dad says before hugging the two standing women with a smile.

"Here's to my niece , who we love dearly" Becky says before she starts crying "I'm sorry" she says wiping her tears ,her wife takes her to another room .

The room turned quiet "I could kill him" Engfa's dad says making them all look at him in concern "baby girl ,say the words and I can have that man found and killed" Engfa looks at her father with a mind that was full dark of ideas .

Charlotte could tell Engfa was thinking about it so she tugs on her shirt making the woman look at her "babe ,I hate that man more than anything,but we can not end another's life no matter how much the person deserves it" Engfa and her father both start to cry making everyone else eyes fill with tears.

That night the two lovers went to the hospital to see Abigail "hey pretty rockstar,everybody misses you" Engfa says to her daughter.

The 12 year old girl sat in the hospital bed with a cast on her arm and another one on her foot ,even through the bruises on her face she smiled when she seen her moms ...the only parents that ever loved her .

"Auntie Nudee came to visit me earlier,and so did grandpa" her tone got serious"he told me he wanted to kill my dad and I told him that man isn't my father and he can do it" she said through her tears " I hate him!" charlotte rushes over to her and engulfed her daughter into a hug ,she cried with her .

Engfa wipes her tears away and walks out of the room she knew what had to be done and she knew who to call first "Engfa ! My oh my what's the problem?" The man with a soothing voice said.

"My daughter sperm doner ,hurt and touched her ,I want you to find him and kill him then make me a cartoon showing the job being done " that man was no longer allowed to breathe the same air as her daughter.

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