Part four -yes?

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Engfa laid on her silky ruby red sheets  while being blindfolded,she smiles and lets out a moan as she felt the hot liquid from the burning candle slide down her bare back.

Charlotte blows on the liquid wax before it went to far,she lets the wax dry and gently removed the pieces and kissed every red spot down Engfa's spine.

Engfa bites her lip ,she loved feeling Charlotte's soft alluring lips on her skin as the woman caressed her side.

Charlotte goes further down and kiss each of Engfa's ass cheeks before giving the left cheek a gentle bite earning a aroused moan from the other woman.

Charlotte goes back up ready to suck on the woman's neck until  Engfa turns on her back now with her and Charlotte face to face starring at one another with desire,love and lust ,they collide there lips together, there tongues dance with one another as the two moaned in each other's mouths.

"Hey what's the wi- oh shit!" nudee had walked into there room making the two of them quickly cover themselves up with there cover "damn can I join?" She jokingly says making Engfa throw a pillow at her which hits her face "okay I deserve that I'll come back later ,you two need to invest in a lock" and with that she walks out the room.

Charlotte and Engfa look at each other and starts to laugh about the situation "you know we really do need to invest in a lock" Charlotte says before getting out the bed letting engfa see her naked body.

"Indeed we do,shall we continue you this in the shower?" Engfa suggested ,Charlotte smirks at the idea,they quickly rush into their private bathroom that was inside there bedroom.

The two moans as the warm water from the shower hit there naked bodies ,Engfa repeatedly thrust the double sided dildo inside of her and Charlotte whose back was against the shower glass as Engfa held her up in support.

The two kiss passionately as they felt themselves cum,they breathe heavily as they stare into each other's eyes .

Nudee had walked back downstairs and went back into the living room "so were they having sex?" Freen asked while her and Becky sat on the couch cuddling watching a movie .

"Oh yeah ,it was like a damn soft core porn up there ,they had the lights low and candles on the table oh and a dildo on-" Becky stops nudee from talking and covers her ears ,she didn't want to hear about her sister's Escapades in her sex life.

Nudee and freen chuckle and the three continued there movie waiting for the happy couple to finish there love making so they all could go do something.

As Engfa and Charlotte finished their passionate shower session, they dried themselves off and got dressed. Engfa suggested going out for a fun afternoon together, and the idea was met with enthusiasm from Charlotte. The couple joined Nudee, Freen, and Becky in the living room, who were all eagerly awaiting their presence.

"Finally, you're done!" Nudee exclaimed playfully, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

Engfa winked at Charlotte, whispering, "We'll have to finish what we started later."

Charlotte blushed, her eyes filled with anticipation. "I can't wait."

With that, the group of friends headed out for a day of adventure and bonding. They went hiking, explored a nearby town, and ended the day with a cozy dinner at their favorite restaurant.

As they sat around the table, sharing stories and laughter, Engfa couldn't help but feel grateful for the amazing people and love she had in her life. She reached under the table and gently squeezed Charlotte's hand, a silent expression of her affection.

Later that night, as Engfa and Charlotte lay in bed, cuddling and basking in the afterglow of their love, Engfa leaned in and whispered, "I'm so lucky to have you."

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