Chapter 35 - I Lost

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A/N: Hello my lovies! First of all, I'd like to thank all of you for your continuous support on my story, especially for this one. SILWAG (She's In Love with A Geek) has a very special place in my heart, maybe that's why it took me a while to get back to writing. As you all know, my writing style is based on emotions and feelings, there were even times that I did cry when my characters were crying while I write the scene.

Back in 2020, I was so determined to finish this story. But, a lot of things has happened during those times. While most were on isolation, lockdown, and quarantined, I was one of the nurses who was sent to a COVID make-shift hospital to look after sick covid patients. It made a huge toll on me mentally, that it has drained me--physically and emotionally. So it was really difficult for me to continue writing even though I wanted to.

Now, I'm happy that so far I was starting to get back on my feet again. Back to my passion--writing. I really wanted to capture this scene in this chapter and I was so glad I waited for myself to be better in order to write this. I love every bits of this chapter, it was how I have imagined it to be back in 2016.

So without any further ado, here's chapter 35. Also, I set up my Patreon account ( ) link on Bio, if you want the advance chapters of SILWAG. Currently, it's on Chapter 38 now.

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Chapter 35 - I Lost


"You came."

I still couldn't believe it. Just right after I declared that I'd forget about him--said my goodbyes even, that was the time that he showed up.

"Are you crazy?" Chad called me out of my reverie, but I didn't pay any attention. Dumbstruck to the fact that..

He came.

"What were you thinking staying here so late, soaking wet even. You could get sick!" He was talking loudly to overpower the sound of the steady and heavy rain.

Chad was here.

I was mute, unable to utter a single word, when in fact before he even came, I had millions of questions swarming in my mind. But now, I was left speechless again.

I watched him act so panicky, acting in a way that he cared that I could get sick. "Let's go!" His tone was commanding, and rush. He pulled me gently on my feet to stand up, urging me to follow him back to the school building as the rain continued to pour down.

He cared.

"Courtney!" He called me out again, his tone was frantic with worry. "We have to go inside, now!" His expression was a mixture of concern and frustration. Probably from my lack of response.

He was worried.

I was gawking at him, stayed rooted on my feet, while he was in an obvious distress already. My gaze shifted to his hand where he was gripping my arm.

Why were you being so warm and thoughtful all of a sudden?

Bewildered by his sudden thoughtfulness and consideration after a long period of silent treatment, I swayed my arm so hard for him to release his hold on me. "Let go of me." I said through my gritted teeth.

"What? We have to--" He tried to grab my arm again, but I pulled it back quickly before he could even reach for it.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled out in frustration. Chad was obviously taken aback with my action and was unsure of what to do next. I bet that he didn't have any clue why I was acting this way, why I was being so angry at him all of a sudden.

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