Chapter 38 - Olivia

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Deathly silence filled the room on the mention of a girl's name.


Funny with just her name, it made us all shut up.

So, there was someone in his life that he has loved before. But, how could she break someone like Chad—someone so thoughtful, genuine, and kind? What made her break his heart, destroy him even?

"Go ahead. You're talking about hell? I've been to hell, Collins! I've experienced it, and I know what it's like."

A rush of memory from our old argument made me feel uneasy, my heart clenching, and stomach flipping at the thoughts of all the worse possible things he had experienced.

His hell.

I was pulled out of my train of thoughts when Fiona pointed out my wet clothings and hair. That was the time that I realized I haven't changed yet, my clothes still wet from the rain. I must have been pretty invested in Jackson's sudden visit, my friends as well, to even remember that I have to change.

"I got caught in the rain." I simply stated the obvious.

"Where have you been?"

"What happened?"

"Did you walk here?"

Questions were flying everywhere that I lost track of who was asking what. Honestly, that should be the last thing they should be asking. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to share what happened to me and Chad awhile ago with my friends, excited even.

But, the tides have changed.

I want to know her.

"I fell asleep at the backyard, and I didn't realize it was raining. No more questions. I have to change now. But once I get back..." I shifted my attention to Jackson, and eyed him sternly. "I want to know what Olivia did to Chad."

Jackson responded with a nod which surprised me. I thought he would protest, but I guess he was willing to share this story so it won't happen to Chad again. Maybe he was even thinking that through this, it would make me stop whatever game he thought I was playing.

Whatever this is, one thing's for sure. I won't let it affect us.

* * * * *

I quickly changed into my dry clothes and blew dry my hair—eager to hear the story behind Olivia.

To be honest, I was a bit hesitant to hear the story, especially when Jackson hinted that Olivia destroyed Chad. I wasn't quite sure how I would react. I couldn't promise that I wouldn't do anything about it.

If it's cruel and downright brutal, I wouldn't hesitate to make her pay. I'd make sure she would regret the day she broke him.

By the time I got back, the girls and Jackson were digging in to the finger foods that John had provided. They were still bickering about something, but mostly it was Lucy and Jackson who were exchanging banters.

"So, who is Olivia?" I interrupted, determined to get to the bottom of this.

Am I really ready to hear Chad's hell?

I sat in-front of Jackson, and like me, the girls shifted their attention to him, all ears to hear his story.

Jackson cleared his throat and started, "Olivia is one of our best friends—me, Chad, and Olivia. Us, the trios, always."

"Best friends?" I couldn't help but ask, clearly surprised.

"Olivia is not just Chad's girlfriend—"

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