Chapter 24 - A Night To Remember

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Chapter 24 - A Night To Remember


"You want me to come over?"

After I heard those words, I think I had a mini heart attack.

No, I think I died on the spot!

What to do? What should I do!

I was pacing back and forth. My nerves were in chaos. You know the feeling that your heart will explode any minute now because it's on a haywire? Yeah, that feeling.

What the hell is that all about!

I was having an internal battle with myself. A bigger part of me-no scratch that, all of me wants him to come over. But then I'm afraid of what will be my behavior when he's here. Look at me, I'm acting like a lunatic just by talking to him over the phone-over the freakin' phone! What more if he's here!

I had enough of Treyson in my body for a day. Too much will be the death of me!

Besides, I just broke up with Troy, if you even call that a break-up, but still! I wasn't the type who'll invite a guy over after a semi break-up!

Especially if that guy is the reason for the break-up.

Oh what the heck! Shut the hell up, will you?

"Hello? Collins? Are you still there?" Chad's voice interrupted my train of thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm still here. What did you say again? I think I didn't get that part." I lied.

"I'm pretty sure that you heard what I just said, Courtney." He insisted.


"What I mean is, I wasn't sure if I heard you correctly." I told him. I was lying, of course, because I perfectly heard him. I heard what he just said, loud and clear. It's just that I wasn't sure why he said that. It's like it's not in his character to actually go over to a girl's house at night.

Especially if the girl is you?

The evil me strike again. I swear I'm going to find the switch button to turn that little witch off!

I mean, Chad is the type who'll spend his time reading a book or something.

"What? You never thought that I would say that?" He queried.

"Yeah." I answered without missing a beat.

"So, is that a... no?" He questioned with a hint of hesitation on his tone.

"What?" I asked, not sure about the answer to his question.

"You don't want me to come over?"

Oh Chad! You don't have any idea. You don't even know what you're talking about.

But what the heck.

"I do." I murmured, hoping that he didn't hear it. But he did.

"You... do what? Do not or do want?" He asked in a slow manner.

This was probably the most difficult question I'd encountered in my whole existence. Questions like these were nothing to me before. If I want something, I say it. If not, I will be frank about it.

But what is it with Chad that makes this question so darn hard to answer?

Damn it! It's just a yes or a no, Court! Make up your mind.

I closed my eyes and bit my lip. "I do... want." I answered. Then there was silence. I opened my eyes and it zeroed in to the clock, there I realized that it's already late. "But it's already late." I immediately said. "You know, something might happen to you on your way here or when you go home?"

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