Chapter 36 - He Knows

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A surge of emotions raced through me and made it visibly clear that I lost.

Lost in the moment, lost to his gentle kiss and soft lips.

That moment of awe sparked by this heart-fluttering kiss made me feel like time stood still. At this rate, nothing else matters but me and Chad. His kiss made all my worries and anxieties disappeared.

I haven't been kissed like this before, and I haven't kissed someone as affectionate as this. I had been kiss, yes, but not this kind. This was exhilarating and electrifying. Something that I definitely never have felt before.

This was different, a million times better than the rest.

Probably because I was in love. This is undoubtedly love.

The kiss started off as surprise for me, like I literally didn't see it coming. And just like how it started, the kiss was suddenly stopped. I almost protested at the lost of touch and at the same time worried or even afraid that I might have done it wrongly. I even questioned myself, was I sloppy or something?

But the way Chad was still holding my face with both of his hands, the way he was still catching his breath from our kiss, and his subtle giggle was telling me there's nothing to be worried about—all my concerns suddenly washed away.

"As much as I enjoyed doing this all day, I really didn't want you to catch a cold or get ill even." His declaration caught me off guard—it made my heart go frantic! I didn't expect that we were thinking of the same thing. I could definitely do this all day that's for sure!

Even though I get sick or catch a cold after this, one things for sure—it's definitely worth it.

Chad's face was flushed, his lips were red. If he was looking like this, well I probably looked like a tomato by now and a mess! I feel my face hot and lips swollen from that amazing kiss.

Oh my god that kiss!

It was unexplainable, so surreal. At this point, I wasn't even sure if it really happened or it was just a pigment of my imagination.

"We really need to head inside now." He said, his face was too close to my face I could feel his warm breath coming out of his lips. At that moment, I was so tempted to lean in and kiss him again. I wonder how he could still manage to be so composed like this, while I on the other hand, was still in a state of awe and shock.

Just when I thought that my heart couldn't beat any faster than it already was, that was the time when Chad caught me by surprise with a forehead kiss. He's definitely going to be the death of me!

I was too dazed to say anything, and probably because of that, I didn't realize that Chad was already leading me inside while his hand locked to mine.

I was still speechless, I just let him do what he wanted me to do. His kiss was like an enchantment—that feeling that I was under a spell or something. I might have fantasized or dreamed of him kissing me at some point, but never have I imagined it to be this magical.

Oh god ,Courtney! You have to say something, otherwise he would think differently. He might even consider the fact that you didn't like his advancements!

I tried to talk some senses in me, but I was too shocked to function properly. Hopefully, my outburst earlier today was enough for him to know how I really feel about him—that it was enough to convey my feelings for him.

I hope that he already knows that I love him.

But, was that enough or should I make things a bit clearer? I didn't exactly say the three words, did I?

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