Chapter 25 - Different

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Chapter 25 – Different


I woke up with a smile on my face. This wasn't the same smile I wear each day; this one's different. It's as if this was the first time I smiled like this.

Yeah, smiling like a lunatic.

My heart was swelling in anticipation and my stomach was churning in excitement.

I feel motivated to go to school today, well not because of the fact that I love receiving attention from my peers, no not that. That idea was completely thrown out of the window.

And I couldn't believe that I was saying this...

It doesn't matter anymore.

I rolled over my tummy and buried my face to my pillow. I shrieked out loud as I remembered what happened last night.

The conversation with Chad, the shooting star.

Oh dear heavens. I felt my face burning as I recalled those things!

I turned to my side and bit my lip.

This is so unlike me. Getting flustered over this stuff?

But then, who the freakin' cares? I'd rather be like this than the snob old boring me.

I rose from my bed and took a shower. After that, I headed towards my walk-in closet and choose my outfit for today. As I scanned the racks, I decided to go for comfortable clothes today.

Black skinny jeans, grey top, and a pair of flats; the kind of outfit I haven't tried before. I was more of dress-up-like-barbie kind of chic before. Skirts and dresses. Killer heels, boots, and tank tops. Those were my things, but not today.

I went to my vanity and looked at myself. By looking at my reflection, I realized something. I still looked pretty even without a make-up. Why didn't I notice that before? I was so eager to cover my face with cosmetic products and hide my natural look.

I thought of not applying any make up for today, but then I decided to have to to at least highlight my look. I applied eyeliner to emphasize my eyes; I leave the mascara out of the options. I painted my cheeks with light pink blush, just enough so that I wouldn't look pale, and lastly a gloss to accentuate my lips, throwing the deep red shade of lipstick out of the picture. Not too heavy make-up, just light enough to emphasize my features.

I went to the full-size mirror and examined myself. Not the usual me but I still smiled at how contented I was with my look.

I grabbed my bag and skipped my way out of my room. A smile was still plastered on my face as I greeted John. The look on his face wasn't the one that I was expecting. His eyes grew wide; shock filled his expression as if he'd seen a ghost or something.

"What's with that look, John?" I couldn't help but ask.

John cleared his throat first before he answered. "Oh nothing. It's just you look different, Miss."

"Define different?"

"Different means not the same as another or each other; unlike in nature, form---"

"Oh God, John. I totally know what different means. I was asking what do you mean by different, not literally define it." I laughed out.

"My apologies." He apologized and then he cleared his throat again. "It's a kind of different in a good way, Miss. You looked just like your mother." He added.

My smile got wider. I know that I heard that kind of compliment and the similarity comment with my mom before, but that was ages ago. And hearing it right now made me really happy.

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