Chapter 44 - The Evil Queen

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"Hello, love. Missed me?"

What did he want from me?


I stuttered. I couldn't believe my eyes. Didn't I make it clear to him that we were over?

"What are you doing here?" I asked irately.

But Troy, being Troy, ignored my question and went in without invitation.

He had a smug look on his face as he paced the room, as if he expected me to be pleased to see him. My face was flushed with anger. But I didn't let it show. I knew I had to keep my composure.

"Are we having a welcome party?" He asked with a wide grin.

Oh god, I can't stand him and his cockiness!

"Troy, I said--"

"I know your secret." He blurted out of nowhere, interrupting whatever I was about to say to him.

I was surprised at first, and his expression told me he had caught me off guard.

Oh god! I want to wipe that annoying triumphant grin off his face right now.

But I didn't falter a bit because I don't know what this jerk's talking about. I'm not hiding anything.

"Stop wasting your time, Troy. I'm an open book. Whatever secret you have against me, I don't care." I told him in a bored tone.

I looked him dead in the eyes, ready to throw him out. I had other things to do and I didn't have time for his silly games. I had bigger plans to focus on and Troy wasn't even part of them.

My friends are coming anytime now, so this needs to be over and done with.

I walked past him, got my phone and I quickly sent the message to Terry and the girls where they were and put my phone back in my pocket.

If this was solved now, I could be with Chad sooner. I smiled at the idea of us having lunch and walking the halls together.

"Mirror mirror on the wall. Who is the most cunning of them all?"

I rolled my eyes at this and before I had a chance to tell him that I didn't have the time for his childish antics, Troy grabbed my shoulders and forced me to face a large mirror in our living room.

He was behind me, with that smirk on his face. He held me in place. His grip was so strong that I couldn't even move.

"Do you remember Jeremy?" He asked. I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Troy, seriously I don't have-"

"The boy you ruined." He added. "You promised him you'd be his girlfriend in exchange for the exam papers? "

I felt my face pale and my stomach drop.

Yes, I remember him. But how did he know?

I tried my very best not to show anything that would give away my expression, but Troy was slick. He picked it up right away, making him grin triumphantly.

"Yes!" He exclaimed. "It was so funny. You see, I saw him at camp. He was one of their boy or something. Oh and did you know that I had food poisoning because of him?"

Troy's voice was laced with disdain, he sounded annoyed as he retold the story. He walked over to the sofa and sat down while he picked up a mini-burger that I had prepared for the girls. He slumped his body there even more as he ate it.

The girls.

I sent them a message saying I had to cancel our meeting. I didn't want them to come here and see Troy, for sure they wont be pleased.

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