Chapter 62 - The Fighter

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I was on a mission to find Courtney and talk to her, to finally get to the bottom of all this. Now that I have gotten the truth from her ex-boyfriend, I couldn't help but feel guilty for not really listening to what she tried to tell me for the past few days.

I felt bad for not really understanding what she had been going through and for not being there for her when she needed me the most. And to make things worse, for not believing her and assuming that she was lying to me again.

There were numerous times that she attempted to explain things to me, but I brushed her off. I put the wall too high that even I lost sight of what was really happening. I just wish I had listened to her and heard her out. I wish I had been more open to the possibility that, at that moment, she was telling the truth.

But I shouldn't dwell on what I could have done differently.

Instead, I should focus on what I can do now to make things right and to make her realize that none of her secrets would change how I think of her, or how I feel about her.

I still care deeply for her.

Unfortunately, my mission was put on hold when Mr. Duval, the principal, asked me to meet him in his office. I honestly had no idea why he wanted to see me. Maybe it's about the school play or something, I wasn't sure.

"Mr. Treyson. Come in and sit." Mr. Duval said after I greeted him.

I sat down and waited for him to talk. He smiled and said, "I want to congratulate you. I heard about your Stanford scholarship. Impressive as always."

"Thank you for your kind words, Mr. Duval." I said, then I waited for him to say more. I wasn't sure, but I had an inkling feeling that he called me to tell me something more than just congratulating me.

He tapped his fingers on the desk, and then cleared his throat before speaking. "Also, I want to tell you how much I admire your outstanding performance as our Student Assistant this year. I want to write you a letter of recommendation, but I don't think you need it as you already have your acceptance letter from your college of choice."

Mr. Duval stood up and walked over to the window, watching the students walk across the courtyard. "Filling out that position was quite a challenge and difficult. It can make, or break a student. You are dealing with a heavy responsibility and often times you will be tempted to do what is easy instead of what is right. You know what I mean, right?"

"Yes," I answered. I perfectly knew that he was only talking about one thing--the ease and accessibility of school materials that could make anyone take the easy route.

"That's why we always get the best students--those who are already academically gifted and accomplished. Ones who wouldn't dare to cheat. But, sadly, last year's SA was accused of stealing the finals exam papers. He claimed that he just did it because a certain student asked him to do it."

I flinched when he mentioned about the certain student because I knew who he was referring to. Good thing he wasn't looking my way. He was too busy looking out the window to notice my reaction.

"He kept on insisting that he was promised to be her boyfriend in exchange for the exam papers. During that time, it seemed so absurd. Like, who would put their hard-works and even scholarship on the line for petty stuff like that, right?"

Mr Duval turned around with a sad look on his face. "No one believed him. There was no proof of his claim, so he was the only one who got suspended. As you know, suspensions will remain on your record forever. And apparently, this has made a huge impact on his scholarship."

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