chapter 2

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Right now YN is seating down on a chair listening to music after a long day of training as he looks over and saw Grace Max and Jake and Norm

Grace: Norm I hear goods things about you how's your Na'vi

Norm speaking Na'vi: may the all mother smile upon our first meeting

Grace speaking Na'vi: not bad you sound a little formal

Norm speaking Na'vi: I studied for five years but there is much to learn

Norm saw YN seating a chair while listening to music

Norm: who's the kid

YN: I'm YN Parker

Max: Grace this is Jake Sully

Jake: ma'am

Grace: yeah yeah I know who you are and I don't need you I need your brother you know the PhD who trained for three years for this mission

Jake: he's dead I know it's a big inconvenience for everyone

Grace: how much lab training have you had

Jake: I dissected a frog once

Grace: I see you see I mean they're just pissing on us without even the courtesy of calling it rain I'm going to Selfridge

Max: no Grace I don't think that's a good idea

Grace: no man this is such bullshit

YN: Grace

Grace: I'm gonna kick his corporate butt he has no business sticking his nose in my department

Grace leaves the room YN took off his earbuds and got up and leave


The next day YN is on a aircraft with Grace Jake Norm who are in their avatar body's along with a woman name Trudy and a soldier YN looks at the wildlife of Pandora the view was beautiful then they landed YN puts on the Exo pack even though he doesn't need it while he was wearing his Spider-Man suit under his clothes

Grace: shut it down we're gonna stay while

Trudy shut down the aircraft vehicle

Grace: Norm your pack

Norm: pack

Grace looks at the soldier

Grace: stay with the ship one idiot with a gun is enough

Soldier: you the man doc

Grace looks at YN

Grace: YN stay close

YN: okay Grace

YN stayed close with the avatars as they walk in the jungle it was quite peaceful out here the sound of birds chirping then YN saw wildlife that look like monkeys Prolemuris and Jake aimed his rife

Grace: Prolemuris they're not aggressive

The Prolemuris disappeared in the jungle

Grace: relax marine you're making me nervous

YN laugh a little as they continued walking in the jungle

Norm: so how will they know we're here

Grace: I'm sure they're watching us right now

YN: wait the actual Na'vi people

Grace: yep

YN: oh god

Jake: keeping moving Norm

Grace: keep up guys

They continued on YN watch Grace and Norm take samples from a plant root then he saw Jake walking somewhere YN followed him he stepped on a stick and it broke making Jake turn around and aims his rife

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