chapter 19 🍋

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Things are normal at the Metkayina village but for YN he's been searching for the Symbiote for days and hours since he's it's really dangerous who knows what it's planning it's probably looking for a new host since it's no longer with YN anymore but there are still some parts still in him

YN was web swinging around still searching for the Symbiote but he still couldn't find it so he went back to the village and he hold on to a tree

YN: where is the Symbiote gotta find it before it finds a new host

???: YN

YN looks down and see Tsireya

YN: oh Reya

Tsireya: what are you doing

YN: oh you know just swinging

YN does a backflip and land on his feet

YN: what about you Tsireya what are you doing

Tsireya: well I've looking for you since you did say that you teach me how to fight since you did mentor Miles

YN: okay Reya this is gonna be different yeah I know that I did train Miles but here's the thing Reya he was bitten by a radioactive spider that gave him powers you didn't so that's why it's gonna be difficult of me teaching you to fight

Tsireya: oh I understand

YN: also Tsireya you may wanna leave the fighting to the pros okay

Tsireya: but what if there aren't any around

YN: well you can't just go swinging at someone twice your size I mean don't get me wrong I fight guys stronger than me all the time but if the other guy's bigger you gotta be quicker okay

Tsireya: well that's easy for you to say since I can't do what you do

YN: hmmmm

YN started thinking about something and he got a idea

YN: alright put them up

Tsireya: what

YN: your fists put them up

Tsireya: seriously

YN: yeah come on

Tsireya slowly puts her fists up and YN did as well unknown to them Ronal was seen watching them looking curious of seeing her daughter being learned how to fight

YN: first thing don't let the adrenaline get to you breathe slow breathe deep relax hips square to your opponent let them make the first move

Tsireya: okay

YN: now use your feet

Tsireya what YN said

YN: and when they go off balance look for a opening boom

YN put hand up and Tsireya lately punch his hand

Tsireya: like that

YN: yeah yeah that's it

Ronal was getting really surprised of Tsireya learning really fast

YN: okay now only this time just let me have it right on the jaw okay I can take it URGH

YN was cut off of Tsireya punching him in the jaw it didn't hurt that much and Roanl covered her mouth since she was really surprised and she had mumbles her laugh

Tsireya: oh I'm sorry

YN: no no no it's all good you keep that up and uh you'll be fine all right lesson over gotta go

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