chapter 6

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YN was in a cell with Grace Jake Norm the Omatficaya clan lost their home and many were killed at the attack YN wish he was stronger he could have saved them but he's one person he can't save everyone people always believe in Spider man that he'll always save the day but sometimes he can't then Trudy walks in the room

Trudy: what's going on brother long time no see

Guard: hey

Trudy: Personally I don't feel these tree hugging traitors deserve steak

Guard: they get steak that's bullshit let me see that

Trudy put gun on his head

Trudy: yeah you know what that is

Guard: Trudy

Trudy: down all the way

The guard gets and Trudy knock him out

Trudy: Max

Max quickly runs in and he unlocked the cell with a key card everyone was sneaking out and they make not to get caught

Trudy: kid here

Trudy throws YN a duffle bag that had his Spider-Man suit and gadgets

Jake: Trudy fire up the ship go

Everyone went outside as they put on Exo packs to breath and YN as he put on his Spider-Man suit Trudy power up the gunship YN and Norm help Jake get in then YN spidey sense goes off and someone fired at them

Trudy: I'm taking fire let's go

Grace got in quickly and Trudy quickly fly off and they successfully Escape

Jake: yeah yeah

Norm: all right yes

YN: see you later suckers

Grace: crap

YN looks at Grace and he sees blood on her hand meaning she got shot

YN: shit Grace is shot

Trudy: what

Grace: this is gonna ruin my whole day

Jake: Norm get the trauma kit

Norm: where's the trauma kit

Trudy: trauma kit forward on the bulkhead

Jake: hang on Grace

Grace: doesn't matter I'm fine

YN moved Grace hand and used his web shooters to cover the wound that'll stop the bleeding

YN: there that should stop the bleeding

Everyone got back to the base Trudy was moving so the RDA can't find them YN watch Jake inject a needle in Grace arm

Grace: Ouch

Jake: you big baby

Grace: we're moving

Jake: me and YN are gonna get you some help Grace

Grace: I'm a scientist remember I don't believe in fairy tales

Jake: the people can help you I know

Grace: why would they help us

YN: because it's our only choice


YN: what's the plan Jake

Jake: there is no plan

YN: no plan Tsu'Tey is Olo'eyktan now he's not gonna let us near that place

Jake: we gotta try

YN: alright I'll meet you at your avatar body

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