chapter 8

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It all started when we see the beautiful scenery of Pandora which included floating mountains the forest of Pandora with a couple of ikrans flying around then inside the forest a couple of monkey like creatures call Prolemurous swinging in the trees

Then we sees Neytiri who's in the shadows of the forest she slowly raided up her bow and we sees that Neytiri was pregnant before she shot the arrow

Jake voice: Pandora's forest hold many dangers but the most dangerous thing about Pandora us that can come to like her too much

Then it was night time Neytiri was singing with beads in her hand

Jake voice: we sing the chords to remember each bead is a story from our life an bead for the birth of our son

then in the morning the Omatficaya clan was surrounding Neytiri Jake Mo'at and their Adopted Human Son's YN Paker and Miles Morales as Jake was holding their Son Neytiri smiled with great emotion and YN and Miles were happy that they have a brother now

Jake: Neteyam

Omatficaya clan: Neteyam

Jake voice: a bead for our Adopted son's YN and Miles they were both bitten by a radioactive spider that giving them powers and YN was bonded with a alien species call a Symbiote

The scene shows of YN and Miles on top of a tree YN was training of his powers and web swinging Miles was wearing a suit that he made from his clothes as YN was in his Symbiote suit

The scene shows of YN and Miles on top of a tree YN was training of his powers and web swinging Miles was wearing a suit that he made from his clothes as YN was in his Symbiote suit

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YN: you ready

Miles: yeah but I think the web shooters are a little tight

YN pats Miles on his shoulder

YN: you'll get used to it just try to keep up

YN jump and shot his web Shooters and swing himself as Miles took a deep breath and he jumped as he panic

Then the scene change back to Neytiri as she continued singing the songcord with beads in her hand then the scene shows of Jake Neytiri and Norm in a Lab looking at Grace Avatar in a chamber and they sees that Grace Avatar was pregnant

Jake voice: a bead when we Adopted our daughter Kiri born of Grace Avatar and whose concpton was a complete mystery

Jake and Neytiri are by a fireplace with YN Jake was holding Kiri and Neytiri was holding Neteyam YN asked if he can hold Kiri Jake say yes and he passed Kiri in YN arms and he hold her YN holdout his finger which Kiri looks at her brother with an smile and Kiri gently grabs his finger as YN smiled

Jake voice: a bead for the first meeting with Eywa the people say we live in Eywa and Eywa lives in us the great mother holds all her children in her heart

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