chapter 1

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The scene shows of a beautiful forest birds chirping Cricket's clicking a waterfall is heard it was a beautiful forest that someone would love to live here then someone jumped over a tree in a red and blue suit with big white symbol of spider

???: Woooo

This was YN Parker aka Spider man be was web swinging around the forest having a lot of fun YN shot his web Shooters and swing himself as he does multiple backflips and he web swinging again before the scene shows Black

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This was YN Parker aka Spider man be was web swinging around the forest having a lot of fun YN shot his web Shooters and swing himself as he does multiple backflips and he web swinging again before the scene shows Black

The scene shows of YN Parker waking up he was in a cryo capsule he was going to a planet called Pandora his cryo capsule opened and YN see himself in the ship

YN: we there already man it feels like I just a hour long nap

A doctor unbuckle YN from his cryo capsule bed he started floating over to his locker where all his stuff was including his Spider-Man suit and gadgets

Doctor: you've been in cryo for five years nine months and 22 days you will be hungry you will he weak if you feel nausea please use the sacks

YN feel his stomach growl

YN: man I'm starving hope they have some good old Leo's Pizza with extra pepperoni

Soon later YN ate some good old Leo's pizza with extra pepperoni and he grabbed all of his stuff then he was in a ship heading to Pandora

Man: Exo packs on let's go Exo packs on

YN grabbed a breathing mask called Exo pack since the air on Pandora is toxic and it is not safe to breathe YN put on the Exo pack so he can breathe

Man: remember people you lose that mask you're unconscious in 20 seconds you're dead In four minutes let's nobody be dead today looks very back on my report

YN seat there as he looks through a small window looking at the forest of Pandora

???: what's your name kid

YN: oh I'm YN Parker

Jake: I'm Jake Jake Sully

YN: nice to meet you Mr Sully

Jake: don't call me that kid makes me sound old just call me Jake

YN: no problem Jake

Jake: where you from on earth

YN: Queen's New York

Jake: cool

YN: yeah

The ship landed YN unbuckle his seat belt and grabbed his bag with all of his stuff suit and gadgets while he see Jake getting on a wheelchair

YN: you need help Jake

Jake: no I'm good kid

YN nodded and he walks out of the ship while he looks around the base mostly everyone here are soldiers and scientists YN ain't a soldier of scientist he's just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man then YN sees a giant vehicle that had arrows on the tires

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