Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

I looked over to Ray who had an amused smirk. How could he be so calm? What was I supposed to say to this five year old with all the questions?

'No. We're friends remember' No. No. No. That sounds all wrong.

"Um Ben I..."

He waited patiently for my answer, his hands folded in his lap. I wanted to smack that grin off Ray's face right now. I glared at him and he raised his eyebrows. I was so mad because I needed help with this one. Ray held off for a little longer then squeezed my leg and turned to his son.

"Ben, Leigh and I are together but Leigh won't be anything more than you want her to be I'm sure."

I let out a relieved sigh and nodded in agreement. Ben smiled and laid his head on my chest.

"Leigh can be my mommy."

Ray looked worried like this might scare me away. I just knew he was thinking about how his ex-wife walked out on them because she got scared of being a mom. Maybe he thought that Ben's response would cause me to run away too. I smiled and squeezed Ray's hand, mouthing 'I love you'. I felt the need to remind him that I wasn't going anywhere. I didn't think he realized that I needed them as much if not more than they needed me.

We all three sat there snuggled up together, watching James Bond. Ben fell asleep like always but this time, he was in my arms. When the end credits came on the screen, I looked over to Ray.

"You want me to get him?" Ray asked holding out his hands.

I waved him off and stood up with Ben securely in my arms. Ray showed me to his bedroom and we laid him down. I watched as Ray kissed his sons forehead while I squeezed his hand.

"I guess I should get going then."

Ray nodded and smiled but it didn't reach his eyes.

"You okay?" I asked him, giving him a quick peck.

He nodded but didn't let go of me.

"You could stay."

I looked up at his pleading face. He poked his lip out, annoying me, but I nodded because I did want to stay.

"Good. Then we better put you to bed too."

Ray picked me up effortlessly and held me bridal style, my feet dangling in the air. I giggled as he carried me down the hall and into a dark room. He switched on a lamp and I felt him throw me down onto a comfy, soft mattress. He collapsed on top of me and I pushed him off. The room was big and it had a bathroom off to the corner. The walls were a dark brown and the bed was a dark wood four poster bed.

"I like your room."

Ray smiled.


He brushed his chin with his fingers where there was slight stubble.

"Well I might share it sometimes with you then."

I pushed him and then rolled over to the other side of the bed. This started a war and Ray grabbed me around my waist, tickling me in my most ticklish spot. I laughed so loudly and tried unsuccessfully to pry his fingers off of me.


"Leigh!" He mocked.

I laughed some more and eventually he stopped. I hid my face under the covers but he quickly pulled the duvet away.

"Don't hide from me."

"And why not?"

Ray crashed his lips to mine and his body hovered over mine, his arms holding his weight.

"I love you Leigh, you know that?"

I nodded and kissed his cheek. I knew nothing was going to happen tonight and I honestly didn't want anything to. I wasn't quite ready for that.

"Leigh I want to be married to you before we..."

I nodded, knowing exactly what he meant but would I ever marry Ray? That seemed unlikely. How could I get married?

"Ben is my child and I wouldn't trade him for anything but part of me regrets what happened between his mother and me. I'm not going to take away your innocence...not now."

"You're a good guy Ray."

Would I ever be married to Ray? I was only eighteen. I found myself wondering this all night. I didn't fall asleep until two.


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