Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

"Who cares about napkins? It's a wedding. People don't care what they wipe their damn faces on."

"Ray! We have to pick one. Paige is making us."

"Whichever one you want is fine."

"No. Which one do you like?"

"The middle one I guess but like I said, they're napkins."

"I know. Sorry."

He smiled and got under the sheets. It was already midnight and Paige had been emailing me every five minutes, forcing us to make decisions about the wedding.

"Tell her I said to get her ass in bed and leave us alone." Ray grumbled, trying to pull back the covers for me to get under.

"Ray your sister is working hard on this."

"I know but I need my sleep and I won't be able to get it unless you're under here with me."


I pulled back the sheet, lifted my hips and crawled under. I set my laptop down and snuggled up to Ray.

"Much better babe and tomorrow night will be even better."

"Why?" I asked.

I watched Ray lift an eyebrow and pinch my backside.

"Well I would say let's do it tonight but I'm exhausted so tomorrow it is."

I shook my head, my cheeks heating from embarrassment.

"If you get lucky."

"I have a feeling I will." He winked at me, "I know how hard it is for you to resist me."

"Oh yeah I think about it night and day just wondering how I can fight it."

"See I told you." He teased, rolling on his side and pulling me close.

"I love you Amber Leigh."

"Yeah, yeah. Love you Raymond."

He chuckled and closed his beautiful eyes.

"Oh and Ray?"


"Nick's going to be my man of honor."

"Your what?" He asked, sitting up.

"Yeah you heard me."

"Oh god. This should be good."


I wanted a simple dress, nothing too fancy. Paige had other plans for me. She seemed to think the 'princess style' looked the best on me. Alma also made me promise her that I would get a gown like Cinderella's.

"Well I'm going to be a bridesmaid. You picked out my dress so I think you should get this one." She said, motioning to a dress with a beaded top and bell shaped bottom.

"Is it bad that they all look the same to me?"

Paige shook her head, placing the palm of her hand on her forehead.

"Yes that's very bad. Haven't you always dreamed about your wedding day and your dress? When Tim proposed I already had our wedding planned."

I shook my head. Oddly, this didn't surprise me about Paige.

"I mean yeah I thought about it. I just never really thought it would happen."


"I don't know. I guess I did think it would happen eventually just not at nineteen. Isn't it a little crazy that I'm so young?"

"Well yeah but you and Ray are very mature for your age. Sometimes I forget that you are nineteen."

"Me too." I said honestly.

Paige placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Leigh, don't hurt him. He's never been in love like this. It hurt him when Vanessa left and he wasn't even in love with her. It would kill him if you..."

"I know Paige. I promise."

"I've never seen him like this. I brother, Ray smiles and laughs all the time! It's amazing. He never snaps at me anymore. He no longer has all of this built up anger inside."

"I'm sure I'm not the only reason."

Paige shook her head, flipping through the rack of gowns in front of her.

"You are so delusional."

I rolled my eyes at her but laughed a little anyway.

"Are you going to get this dress I love so much or what?"

I giggled.

"Yes I actually do love it. I can't wait to show it to Ray when I get home."


"Yeah. He'll like it."

"Leigh, he can't see this dress before the wedding! Are you crazy? It's bad luck."


I paid for my dress with money my grandparents insisted on giving me. The gown was inexpensive but well made. It was actually gorgeous and I couldn't wait to wear it after the alterations were finished. As we were leaving the bridal shop Paige looked over a smiled at me. Just in these last couple weeks we'd grown incredibly close. She wrapped an arm around my shoulders giving me a sideways hug as we headed for the front doors.

"Ray is going to love you in that dress."

"I hope he doe..."

As soon as I looked up and recognized the person coming around the corner, I froze in shock. My mouth hung open and the gown fell to the floor. I barely heard Paige saying my name and asking what was wrong. My eyes were glued to the woman standing in front of me.


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Faith <3

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