Setting her Free!!

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Haseena starts taking steps Ahead ... Covering complete distance between them ....

H:- Go ahead.....

Haseena whispers in Karishma's ear......

Karishma inhaled deeply and looks at Haseena's retreating figure....

Meanwhile Meera comes back to the hall after making her mother fall asleep.....

She sees Karishma standing in the hall with some sweat bands on her forehead and looking in the direction of Haseena's room.....

She goes and taps on Karishma's shoulder....

M:- Is everything alright?

Meera asks Karishma in a concerning voice... Karishma gets startled by a sudden voice.....

KS:- yeah! I am fine....

Karishma replies wiping her forehead and calming herself....

M:- See you can leave from here ... I will handle
Haseena ... And about your job? I will talk to
your boss....

Meera says sympathizing with Karishma....

KS:- It's so kind of you Meera... But please... I
don't want any trouble.... You know your
sister right? She is psychotic... She will
understand something else ...

Karishma says holding Meera hands in hers.....

M:- But she is not like this Karishma... She is just
possessive and caring about my mother...
And only that resulted in this.....

Meera replies defending her sister....

KS:- I know... I KNOW HER Meera.... And I also
know that she doesn't have any hard
feelings for me.... BUT...

M:- No If and but Karishma.... You are eligible ..
working in a multi millionaire company.... You
don't need to be forced by someone.... Who
doesn't even know you.... I will talk to
Haseena.. you should persue your dream.... I
will take care of my mother.....

Meera says making Karishma understand and keeps her hand on Karishma's shoulder .....

Karishma nods her head and hugs Meera......

KS:- Thank You!

Karishma mumbles in Meera's ear .....

Haseena comes out of Her room in her usual outfit and sees Karishma and Meera hugging each other ..... She clenches her fist ..... Meera sees Haseena standing in the balcony and breaks the hug....

M:- Haseena di... I want to talk to you!

Haseena nods her hand....

H:- Come in my room.....

Saying this Haseena moves back to her room....

M:- Karishma please stay here for some time.... I
will be back after sometime...

Karishma nods her head and Meera heads to Haseena's room....


Haseena was sitting on the couch , closing her fist in anger.... Meera comes and sits beside Haseena.....

M:- Anger is not good for your health!

Meera says as She keeps her hand on Haseena's shoulder....

M:- I know you are possessive about Mumma... 
      But we can't destroy someone's life for this...    
      She have her life in front of her ... How can  
      we restrict someone? And even she is not     
      connected to us... We can't be selfish di....

Haseena loses her fist and nods her head ...

M:- forget what happened! Focus on future!

Saying this Meera press Haseena's shoulder and get up from couch....

M:- I set Karishma free from here.... Please don't
do anything else.... For my sake.....

Haseena sees Meera and gets up....

H:- Fine.... But can I talk to her once please....

Meera nods her head...

M:- I will tell her!!

Saying this Meera heads out of her room!!


Meera informs Karishma to Meet Haseena once before leaving.... Karishma agrees to her and moves to Haseena's room thinking.....

KS POV....

What she want now? Is she still angry over me? But I didn't did that intentionally.... I was in anger and only that resulted in my mis behaviour.... But Is she gonna again do something? But why? She loves me right? How can she hurt me? And if she is... Then she never loved me.... I am not understanding what she wants from me? Firstly she kidnapped me restraining my freedom and then after I fell for her? She didn't even allowed me to persue my dream ... How can she do that? I love her...  But... But I can't live in suffocation.... A real relationship needs all rights... Freedom, equality, speech..... Everything.... I miss her... I crave for her ... But I can't just really live like that... And even If I sacrifice my job.... I will not be able to be happy with her .. I will not be my real self ..... And I think it's even better for her.... Someone will love her more than me... Who can really understand her .... I will be a mere chapter in your book Haseena ....


Haseena was sitting on couch, shaking her legs with tangled hands waiting for Karishma ... She was lost in deep thoughts thinking......

HM POV.....

I can't leave her ... Not like that ..... How can she? No.. No... I will not let this happen.... I will do whatever it takes to stop you Karishma.... I repeat whatever..... But I will not let you leave.... I love you... I really love you... I know... I am aggressive but my intentions were never wrong.... I was worried about you ... How can I leave you alone when a fuckin monster is waiting outside for a single chance to hurt you.... How can I? And that's the only reason I forced you to take care of mumma.... I want you to be in front of me... Every hour of the day.... Every day of the week..... Every week of the month ....  I know... I know my way of working is very dangerous... But I promise I will not let anyone harm you.... Please forgive me for my lies.... But I just want you to be with me .... Please....


Karishma comes to Haseena rooms and see the door open.... She moves inside a little and see Haseena.... Who was engrossed so much in thoughts that she didn't even realised that She is here ...

Karishma starts moving to Haseena... But her legs stumble in the carpet and she falls over Haseena on the couch....


Haseena's trance was broken with a heavy force and weight on her .... She closes her eyes in pain  and feels someone over her.... She slowly opens her eyes and sees Karishma over her who was already looking at Haseena with love... Lust.. sadness.... all in one....  She forwards her hand and cups Karishma's face... While her another hand was supporting and preventing her from falling....

She caresses Karishma's face with her Thumb causing Karishma to comes out of her trance.. who was lost in Haseena already.....

That's it for this part.... Hope you liked it ... Please vote.. comment and share your views .... This time we will take target of 60... Follow your writer for new interesting works ...

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