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"We are sorry but It was possible only to regain only 12 percent of your family assets."

A woman with muscular body, having tattoos on her hand knuckles and fingers was sitting on a chair with alcohol in her hand. She was rolling the glass again and again while her attention was completely on persons sitting in front of her on a round table .... A person continues to speak ..

P:- In the future we recommend a more
heterogeneous investment portfolio...

Haseena starts to speak in a deep and controlling voice ..

H:- you recommend?...

All persons sitting there looks at her with terrified looks.....

H:- This investment was also highly
recommended by you... I expect
complete refund and 5 percent

Haseena says in a deep and authorative voice..... Man tries to make her understand saying ..

M:- But ma'am this is impossible....

H:- complete refund and 10 percent intrest

Two muscular mans come in the hall slamming the door and stood beside the man completely terrifying him... Haseena continues to speak...

H:- until the end of this week ..

Man nods his head in understanding way and say.....

Man:- This conversation is over!!

Saying this he tries to get up from the chair while bodyguards again make him sit keeping hands on his shoulders .... Man looks terrified towards the bodyguards and then the Haseena sitting in front of her .. he tries to speak...

Man:- This is New york ...

Haseena signs him to keep quiet signing through her fingers and lines on her forehead...

Her team mate keeps out a file and handover that to the Haseena.... She takes the file and starts speaking...

H:- word... It's all about word that you
have given to my family.....

She handover the document file to the man...

Man:- what is it?

H:- you have this game in america
right? Trick or treat?

Haseena handovers the another document file to the second women sitting on panel and continues to speak...

H:- I thought that when it comes to sexual preferences, Nothing would surprise me...
But you...

Haseena takes a look at another woman sitting in front of her and again starts talking....

H:- what would your loving husband say
about that? Your kids? Shareholders?
Shall I continue?

she moves around the the table and continue speaking

H:- we all know how the media and stock market will react... When I will make it public

All persons look at her... Some with pride faces and other with fearful look

H:- After a week... Bank shares will fall by
half.. After a month.. I will buy it for
peanuts only to.... FIRE YOU ALL!!

Haseena says again sitting on her chair entwining her hands....

H:- What are you gonna do about my



In a slight blue lighted room, many people were sitting around a rectangular table seems like a conference hall. A man enters in hall And everyone greets him...

Persons:- Good evening....

Manager :- Good evening...

Another man sitting asks one of his colleague...

Man2:- Have you packed your shit already?

A girl sitting in front of her gives her an sarcastic smile and turns her face towards the manager while he asks...

Manager:- please could anyone tell me
what the hell happened here

He takes a look around him and again say...

Manager:- my question is how the fuck
did it happen??

Man 2:- hmm? You should ask Ms. SINGH...

He look around the hall and again starts to speak in a offensive tone...

Man 2:- Excuse my language ... But you
need to have balls to do this job ...

Manager asks the woman...

Manager:- Ms. Singh?

K.S:- Firsf of all, It's not my fault

Man tries to interrupt her saying...

Man:- listen ma'am...

K.S:- I haven't finished yet!! And it's not my
job to temper rowdy customers...

She look towards all the person sitting in hall and continues to speak....

K.S:- I think you should rather tell us. Why,
In the entire building, there were
only two bodyguards...

She takes a look at all the faces and again starts making her point....

K.S:- I checked in the band at our hotel on

All people looks shockingly at Ms. Singh while she continues....

K.S:- and because of yesterday's incident,
we are in media from US to Japan..

man claps sarcastically and starts speaking in a taunting voice...

Man:- you have embarrassed us infront of
whole world...

Ms. Singh replies looking Directly maintaining the eye lock with pannel...

KS:- There have been so many
reservation. That we are overbooked
for next four weekends

Man looks shockingly in at the Ms.Singh
face and then embarassingly downs her head...

K.S:- It was possible because of my
strategy. Age and sex have nothing
to do with it. This is exactly what you
need balls for..

Manager:- In my office, right away...

Manager says to the man before moving out of the confernce room....

The respose, I am getting on this story is very disappointing... If I don't get the appropriate votes and comments than I am going to discontinue this story....

Vote and comment are motivation for a writer...

Yours Pseudonym....

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