ChApTeR 1

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Hey guys, this is my first attempt of a horror story which I have published and I hope u guys liked it (fingers crossed) please do comment...

C Ha P t E r 1

Discovery of the potion...

As I strolled downstairs into the kitchen wearing white and pink silky pyjamas with ruffled up hair, my older brother Angel was standing there. "Oh there you are Isabella" he exclaimed as he was preparing breakfast. He was 16 years old and in a week he was about to turn 17!! I loved my brother soooo much! After my parents died in a car crash (that's what he said), he took care of me; he was my mum, my dad, an all in one, up to now (I'm 12). I sat at the dining table waiting for my breakfast as he shoved a plate full of scrambled eggs and toast in front of me.

"Angel?" I asked looking up at him as he sat on a chair next to me. "of course go ahead Izzy!"

"Are you in love?" I asked nervously thinking about it in depth since he was going out with a stupid witch called Delilah.

"Well...I think I am, why are U asking me that?" asked staring at me.

"Its just... w...well.." I continued stammering.

"say it Izzy" he demanded.

"I was wondering if I would ever fall in love..."this would usually be quite awkward and weird talking to a boy about your love life, however as I mentioned before he was like my mother, my Angel who cared for me.

"well, love doesn't just happen Izzy" he giggled then smirked,

"It takes time, it will slowly take place, without you even realising, you would start thinking about that person day and night, eventually everything you want will be that person..." then he stopped, he was smiling at the wall and it finally clicked to me that Delilah popped into his head. I may hate her because she's so rude to me behind Angel's back but I didn't want Angel to break up with the love of his life just because of me.

"Anyway Izzy, I have to go to collage now and you need to get to school, I'll drop you on they way, alright?" he asked as he got of the chair and carried the plate into the sink.

"Ok, I'll get ready then," I exclaimed then ran upstairs with a special feeling inside.

As I ran up the stairs and entered my bedroom, I felt as if I just passed a dark figure, as if something was staring at me as I ran past it. What was it? I stopped and slowly walked backwards as my heartbeat increased, and there to my astonishment was nothing. Anyway, I'm sure it as just just some illusion or something, so I ignored it and went to get changed.

45 mins later...

I ran into school as a massively plumped woman slowed me down.

"woah, woah, woah, young lady where do you think you're going, your late missy and now you have to come with me!!" She bellowed at me face, with her big yellow stained teeth showing. She was pretty short with her blonde hair in a tight bun and her uniform looked like it was about to explode! She was glaring at me now.

"Please miss; let me go I promise I won't be late again!" I pleaded, feeling like a beggar at one point.

"That's what brats like you always SAY!!" she began screaming, to be honest I knew only a few people who were nice to me, my brother of course and a few friends in class.

I followed the teacher to the reception as I had to sign in and then received a 10 min detention after school which I was planning not to attend.

Finally I arrived in class watching the teacher get disrupted as everyone's eyes moved from the front to me. I looked down then walked towards my seat next to Emily how was glaring at me.

"Late again as usual Izzy" she sighed. Emily and Agnes were the only 2 best friends I had at school, I had other friends though.

"ahh miss Spalding, finally bothered to walk in huh?" My maths teacher questioned glaring at me as I turned away. He began a lecture about how this would affect our jobs which I didn't give a shit to.

"Well class today we have a new student," he informed us, and as usual everyonestarted to get excited etc but I didn't really care unless it was a boy, a cute one...

"Our new student joining this class today is... Sidney Harris!" as soon as that new boy walked in, everyones mouths opened due to how hot he looked. His big deep sea blue eyes, His chocolate brown hair (like Harry Style's hair) was glistning under the classroom lights, but the best was yet to come. He walked very formally into class wearing his uniform in a formal but hot way. He was so fit which means anything he wore made him look like Heaven. (everyone else's uniform (including mine) was a mess, (I guess we all act like crazy maniacs in the morning). His lips lastly; rosy lips, the perfect lips and the way he smiled to the class just brightened up the world (well my world I guess). His dimples, were so cute as he smiled. I thought he was sent from heaven.

"Ok Sidney, I think you should sit anywhere where there a free seat". The teacher said as he put his glasses on. There was a free seat next to me, and he was heading towards that very seat, until "Hey, Sidney, come sit here, right next to me" a voice from the back of the class shouted. Of course the master of trouble, Maisy was sitting there. She was the second witch I hated. Maisy and Delilah were sisters, they had ginger hair and they always act like they're the best. I swear, Delilah made Maisy hate me so much, and now she tries her best to prevent me from getting anything nice in life. She's ot even my enemy, something WAY worse than that.

Sidney ended up walking towards the back of the class, however he winked the way. I blushed with rosy pink cheeks appearing. He sat next to Maisy making me jelous like mad, and the worst thing was they began chatting like they new each other for years; I didn't want Maisy to change his personality! I began thinking, was I going mad? I must be, me and that hot guy, NEVER!! He would never like a normal girl like me, he would go after hot girls like Maisy, to be honest she was prettier than me (only becasue of her makeup) and she wore a rally short skirt exposing most of her bare legs. I wore tights under my skirt, I was the complete opposite of hair. Her shining ginger hair made me jelous, if only I had hair as nice as that.

"Izzy!" emily whispered, making me turn to her, I realised that I was turned around and staring at Sid. "Izzy, stop staring at him like that, do you like him or something!" Emily smirked cheekily. "NO, OF COURSE NOT!" I replied instantly, it ws an obvious mistake, casuing Emily to realise I was lying. Oh well I didn't care, who wouldn't fall for him, he was so hot!

School was over now and I began heading home with The thought of Sid un my head. "Hey Izz" Emily and Agnes ran up behind me. "I' here" I turned around to find them panting. "Sorry for not waiting..." I trailed off.

"Hey no probs" Emily exclaimed, they said as they walked with me home.

We were chatting on the way home until both of them went and I was left alone to walk home. It was getting quite dark now, the inky blue sky appeared as the waves of darkness took over the light and a slightly cold breeze brushed past me, sending a shiver down my spine.

I began shivering like mad and suddenly my eyes caught some fairy lights lying on the grass in a park as I walked down the pavement. I began walking towards the fairy lights until as I got closer, something hidden in behind the long grass, lay some object, glowing. I couldn't catch what it was so I began walking closer and closer, it was freezing cold now and me jacket wasn't helping at all. 7:00pm stroke and I remembered that Angel would start getting a bit worried for me. However that glowing object in front of me turned out to be a bottle of some sort. I slowly extended my right arm as I kneeled down on the ground grabbing the bottle very gently which glowed up the area. I lifted it and held it closer towards my face. It was glowing purple and made some strange but silent noises. Another thing that caught my eyes was a tag which spelled the words drink me on it...

I suddenly felt like Alice in Wonderland at one point, what if I shrunk, and had to go on a wild adventure? I shook my head confused, was I mad, what was I thinking. Suddenly it started shaking in my hands and a whisper went through my ears repeating "drink me Isabella, do it" how did that thing know my name what was it? I began getting a bit scared, it was dark, I was all alone in the park with the temperature dropping by the minute...

2nd part, sorry about the first one, not enough suspense, don't worry it all starts here...

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