chapter three

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It's about dinner time now (so about 5 o'clock) and I just lay in my bed like every other hour of the day expect for about 3 because I have physiotherapy on my bones and muscles. I look at the TV screen, some kids TV show is on but it's the only thing that is interesting in my life now and it's the thing I get forward to seeing at 5 o'clock . Suddenly I hear this soothing, sweet calm voice talking in the background, it sounded like the voice of an angel, I could hear the voice slightly echoing in the background but i could hear it enough to work out its a girls voice. I try to turn my head to see who it was but the cast restricts me from moving so much so I slightly move the left a little bit. I can see this short blonde haired girl standing at the desk. Her hair slightly blowing in the breeze of the hospital, I can't really make out what she is saying but her accent sounds so cute from other here. I look more closely at her and I look at her face, she smiles in my direction I try to smile but I can't seem to get the muscles in my mouth to move so I could smile back. She moves back and looks scared (I hope I haven't frightened her off). It looks like she stops talking for a few seconds, then the receptionist looks over in my direction and points. A strange feeling shoots down my back, a strange feeling enters my belly, like a surprised feeling feels my heart. The blonde girl nods and walks over slowly towards me, still smiling in my direction, when she smiles her dimples show and it looks like the cutest thing I've ever seen in a long time. She walks over to my bed and looks at my record folder, she still kinda smiles when she reads but her smile begins to drop and gets smaller and smaller as she gets to the end. In her hand she had a basket full of cakes and biscuits. She comes closer to me. "Hey I'm Avangelene, I'm new here, I'm just helping out for a few months", she smiles. I open my mouth but i can't find the words to speak, she looks down at me. "Would you like a cake". I shake my head. I open my mouth again and a quiet little squeal leaves my mouth. I still can't find the words to talk to such a beautiful girl. "Are you okay?", she looks down at the records,"Jake, is that your name?".
I nod, I feel so embarrassed I can't even talk to this girl when I used to talk to every girl in school. "Yes erm my name is erm Jake". She smiles," so you can talk then". She giggles. I slightly smile, her dimples begin to show. That makes me smile a little bit more, well as far as I can smile. She sits down in the chair next to me and she eats one of her cakes. "Is it good?". I ask.
"Yeah, I'm sorry I shouldn't eat this in front of you". She lowers the cake.
"No it's fine, I don't mind really, it does look nice but I won't be able to eat one yet". She takes a little bite out of the cake and swallows . "I came over to talk to you because you looked a little lonely doesn't anyone come to visit you? ".
" Not really its mostly my mum who does".
"Well can I stay here and keep you company?".
"Sure u don't mind but I'm not really good company ".
"It's fine I don't mind if you don't talk much, we could just watch TV and I could just keep you company ".
"Ok if your sure". I smile and watch the TV every now and then she looks at me and smiles ".

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