Me, Myself And Him

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Aaron pov

I finished putting the ointment on his belly....his skin was soft..very soft almost like a baby's cheeks. I felt something but I didn't know how to describe it. But I definitely feel something, I don't wanna think about it or talk about it for some reason.

I looked at him to maybe see what he was thinking, he wasn't that fazed..ugh what is this? I was just looking at his face, couldn't take my eyes off that's when he saw me. When he turned to look at me, he looked confused.

"What?" He asked....shit! I snapped out of it. Was I in some kind of trance just now?

"Oh-uh, yes, I mean no nothing!" What the!? Why did I stutter like some introverted nerd just now?? I was about to say something but someone opened the door, we both turned to see who it was and it was not someone surprising it was Miss clark.

"What are you both doing here!?" She asks and yells at us.

"Oh miss clark, Vegas here got hurt, sorry for that, I was healing him..haha," I say while looking at her. She looks at us suspiciously and narrows her gaze towards Vegas.

"What happened, Vegas?" She asks him, I slooowly look towards his way and signal him with my eyes to not say that I just hit him. This can be a golden opportunity for him to make me suspended and get his revenge, but please don't!

I look at him with my ultimate puppy eyes that everyone would fall for! But he just blankly looked at Miss clark. Shit!

"He hit me" this little bitch!!!!

Miss clark looked at me with fast and furious gaze.

She was about to talk the shit out of me but before the volcano was about to erupt, Vegas gets up from his place.

"It wasn't his fault, I scared him and he did it out of defense"


Um..hello? Is it the same person that I knew from before?? Uhh?

I look at miss clark and smile ear to ear, I got up from my seat and folded my hands in confidence.

"Hah that's right! He is completely a ok now miss clark, you should be proud of me!" I say with a smile, Vegas rolls his eyes and miss clark sighs deeply.

"Hmm fine then, you both are out of detention." I smile and Vegas sighs in relief.

"But!" We stop in our tracks, when we were about to leave.

"But you have to finish your assignment together, with lilly and sam also. And! No fighting!" She yells the last part, I laugh nervously and nod my head as I give thumbs-up. Vegas leaves the room.

I also walk out of the room, walk my way towards Vegas and slow down to his pace, he looks at me.

"What?" He asks.

"Hehe nothing, thanks for that by the way. I thought you were about to snitch and get me suspended or something" I say while walking, he glares.

"You owe me" he says

"Yea yea sure, I'll do anything" uhh why did I say that. Vegas stops in his tracks and looks at me with a smirk...uh oh.

"Anything?" He asks still with the same smirk, I nod my head.

"Hm then do anything that I ask you to do" he says with his eyebrows raised and arms folded. I knew it...

"For how long?" I ask

"Until I get bored"

"Uhh when do YOU get bored?"

He shrugs his shoulders and walks past me, I turn around.

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