Anyone but you

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⚠️Trigger warning : This chapter contains unsettling parts, which many readers may not be comfortable with, so if you are sensitive to those parts, you can skip it.

Kyle's POV -

I walked to my house as it was just a block away from my school, which also benefited me and made me feel miserable as I had to visit my house daily without anyone in the house, except the cleaning lady who comes every day to clean our house while my parents are out for their "business trip."

This started since I was around 12 years old, and my parents were so busy in earning their god damn money that they sometimes even forget about their kid who comes home from school, wanting to be greeted with a loud chattering of his parents, tv noise with some sloppy comedy show playing in the back ground while the neighbourhood kids played outside.

Instead, I was greeted with nothing but silence every time he entered his house, no tv playing on the background, no kids playing at the playground as they would probably be in their houses pretending to study while watching their phones for all I cared.

Today was another day when my parents were gonna be back home from their expensive business trip. It's already been a week since they went on their trip, but I honestly couldn't care less as I already got used to it since I was a damn kid.

I twisted the door knob of the front door of my house after unlocking it with the keys, which were in my backpack, hidden in the secret zip inside my bag. Completely unimportant information, but I just wanted to flex the fact that my bag had a secret zip inside it, which no one except Aaron knew about.

I opened the door and stepped inside as I closed the door behind me. I didn't hear any noise of talking or chattering, just pin drop silence. As I bent down to untie my shoes, I heard my dad's phone ring and he picked it, started to talk to some client about work stuff, which I didn't give a shit about as that's the first thing he would do when he heard his son enter the house after them being gone for a week.

It's not that they would even contact me that often, but they would just send messages to me twice a week in their trips to check on me and would ask my maid to take care of the house work as they knew how useless their son was.

I let out a sigh and took off my shoes as I placed them inside the shoe rack and closed the door. I walked inside and made my way to my room, not bothering to greet them as they seemed busy, like always, which made me roll my eyes.

I fell on my bed after closing my room door and exhaled as I thought about Aaron, his girlfriend, Zelan, his mother, his sister.. he had everything a man needs. A family. A support. Most important of them

He had everything I wished for. I wasn't jealous or anything, I just wished..dreamt of having his kind of life someday, but it seemed like a pipe dream to me.





After I had silent dinner with my parents, cringing internally when they acted like they cared each time they asked about my grades and my grades only other than how I was doing and how they said not to get influenced by my friends, which in their language it translated that don't hang out with piece of shits and become more useless than you already are.

Which boiled my blood because everyone knows, including my parents, that I don't have any other true friends except Aaron and his family.

After dinner, I took my cycle keys and made my way to tell them I was going out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16 ⏰

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