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Madison's pov
As we were walking thought the little town we came across this house and it was so big but it was also pretty it was kind of modern looking but also had a huge back yard and there was a lake in the back with a dock attached "this house is so cool" isla said and I smiled "it is isn't it" I walked over to where she was standing and layed my chin on her shoulder as well as put my hands around her waist she looked at me and smile

"Come on there's one more thing I wanna do before we leave" I said the sun was slowly starting to set so I took her to this little beach in the town I used to go to when I was little

I went into the bottom of the picnic basket and pulled out some chocolate covered strawberries I had hidden in the bottom just for this

"OMG! I love chocolate covered strawberries" her eyes lit up and she smiled then leaned over and kissed me before taking one of the strawberries and popping it into her mouth

"These are my 3 favourite things in the whole world" she said out of the blue and I smiled at her but gave her a bit of a confused looked

"Sunsets, strawberries and you" she said and I immediately started blushing before I leaned over and kissed her "your one of my favorite things as well" I said as our lips we inchs apart so got a huge smile on her face then kissed me again before going back to watching the sunset


The drive home was pretty good she let me hold her hand the whole time which made me really happy

"Thank you so much this really was the best date I could have possibly imagined" I smiled

"Anything for you" I said and she blushed

I pulled into her driveway and she leaned over kissed me before saying good night and opened the door to leave before I stopped her and gave her a piece of paper and said

"text me" she smiled and leaned over her to kiss me one more time

"I will" she replied

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