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Madison's pov
"Ughhhh she's so perfect"



"Get off your ass and ask her out"

"But she has a boyfriend"

"Then the worst thing that happens is she says no. I feel bad doing this to her Maddy I want to be her friend I feel like a spy," Ellie said

"Ok I'll think about it"

Islas pov

"Mom I'm bored"

"Go to Madison's"

"No, she hates me after I lied"

"I'm sure she doesn't hate you"

"She does"

"I don't think so"

"Whatever," I said walking up to my room with soup that my mom had made me

"She's in her room" I randomly hear my mom say then I heard a knock on my door so I got up to open it and saw Madison

"Hi?" I said confused taking another sip of my soup

"Do you want to go on a date with me?" She said and I spit in the soup that was in my mouth luckily nun got on her

"What?" I asked even more confused and she suddenly looked sad

"Nevermind I'm sorry that was stupid," she said and started to walk away I followed her but was too scared to ask her to stop

"What's going on," my mom asked as Madison opened the door and walked out

"She asked me on a date" I replied

"Then why is she sad I swear to god if you said no isla"

"I didn't answer I just spit out my soup and said what then she left"

"Get your ass out that door right now and go say yes isla this is all you've been talking about for like 2 years"

I ran out the door to see Madison still walking to her house thank god

"Madison" I yelled and started running to catch up with her but then she also started running so I ran as fast as I could and grabbed her arm and turned her to face me and she had a tear running from her eye which made me feel awful

"We're you being serious?" Asked then I realized that wasn't the best thing to say

"No I just decided to walk to my crush's house and decided to ask her on a date as a joke of course I was being serious you know how long I've liked you isla" she yelled

"You like me?" I asked feeling so happy

"Of course, I like you your perfect," she said and she glanced down at my lips

"No I'm not you are," I said with my heart racing I also glanced down at her lips then a few seconds later I kissed her and she had the biggest smile on her face as she kissed me it was the best feeling in the world after a few seconds we pulled away and her forehead leaned against mine

"That was the best thing I've ever done," I said and she smiled "me too" she replied

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